Friday, September 19, 2008

Nuggets from my day

Nuggets....hhhmmm....nuggets are the little things that when added up make your day wonderful...especially when having a particularly bad day, I like to take a few moments and add up all the nuggets of the day. For me, it hasn't only been a particularly bad day it has been one of those weeks. I thought it would never come to an end. I have shed more tears this week than I have in a very long time. So today when feeling down and blue I remembered NUGGETS! So I took stock and found that the nuggets from today alone far out weigh all the things that caused me tears all week. So, instead of listing all the reasons I have you get the nuggets of my day...

Scott left a hot cup of coffee for me right beside my bed as he walked out the door for work...nothing better than a sip of hot coffee before getting out of bed!
I actually got to take a shower without being interupted. Glorious!Isaiah was up when I got out opf the bath room and was excited for his party tonight, he was eager to help get things done to prepare for his friends arrival even though no one would be arriving for 12 more hours.
I love the sleepy bleary eyed "good morning" from the little monsters.
Elijah had a hard time this morning he did not want to go to school, after bribing him with a ham and cheese omelet and hot chocolate, he said 'if you give me a hug I will do what ever you want me to'....if only everything were that easy!
I stood out in the driveway waiting for the bus and my sweet friend Elle came for her morning greeting, grinning from ear to ear holding her little hand out for me to finish off the kisses her mommy had already placed there. "Hey Angewa (I love how she says my name) my mommy said to say hi to you." "Thanks Elle, I like your mommy she is my friend" "I know she told me that." The bus arrived and off she ran grinning at me over her shoulder. Standing there in my driveway with the sun glaring in my eyes as I waved my good byes, I decided everyone should start their day like this. How much better does it get...standing with the sweetness of a child in the early morning sun cup of hot coffee in hand waving as the bus pulls out of sight. OK so my coffee was luke warm at best by then but you get the idea.
Into the house I run to get going on the day Isaiah is there smiling at me. "what?' I asked as I rushed through the room. "nothing, I just love you mom" aaaahhhh my boy just made my day brighter for sure.
Time to make a phone call I was dreading all morning, I imagined dialing the nubers one digit at a time, not wanting to hold the conversation I had rehersed in my mind. Knowing where I wanted it to go and where it was destined to go were not the same. No answer, leave a message. 2.5 seconds later...the phone rings...although the outcome was neither what I had imagined nor what I wished for, it was a special conversation that brought peace to me for a time. I love when a special friend knows your heart and says all the right things without being asked or told.
A bit later in the morning in the midst of trying to quiet a fussy babe the phone rings and Dominique's week just went from bad to worse in the time it took him to log into his GVC account on line...MOOOOMMMMM I need your help.
A quick phone call to my dear friend at the college and she, without hesitation got on instant message and helped me work everything out for Dom. I love when a friend will stop their day to help you out. Thanks Jodi!! You are the best!
Holding a sleeping baby Zephan snuggly in my arms as I watch that little suckling motion even when his thumb has fallen out.
His tiny sigh that lets me know he is good and asleep so I can place him safely in bed.
Do you see what I mean??? I am not even to lunch time yet and Already have so many nuggets!
Talked with Gramma, I love love love that everyday at a specific time I talk to Gramma. No matter where I am not matter what I am doing every day at the same time is Gramma's time. Some days we talk for 30 seconds or less, some days we ramble on and on about all kinds of things. She brings such joy to my heart!
Driving down the street I stopped to chat with another little friend of mine. Sara was walking her dog. She always has the biggest smile on her face. I love talking to her and her sisters.
Recieved an encouraging e-mail from an old friend. Moments like those get tucked away in the corners of my heart to ponder later.
I love hearing Isaiah humming in his blissful happiness as he patiently waits for the minutes to tick by before his friends arrive for his party.
Good conversation with another good friend on the phone...and not getting interupted...even better!
Baby Zephan loves music, he loves for me to sing this one song. I always know when he wants me to sing because the song has motions and he will pick up my hands and try to sing the beginning. As I begin the song I start out really slow and he gets frustrated and smiles at the same time. Above.......(long pause)below.......before.....behinde.....around me......(stop) he squeels and holds my hands....I ask MORE? he grins.....above, below, before, behinde, around me....(faster each time) above, before, below, behinde, around me.....above, before, below, behinde, around me....Jesus is the rock on which I stand. He claps and laughs and grins and begs for more.....
Kisses and hugs when unexpected and not asked for....Elijah is the best at those!
Chocolate fountain instead of birthday cake. New love...pineapple in the chocolate fountain...YYUUUUMMM!
friends....laughter of children...the smile on Isaiah's face when Jordan arrived and decided to stay.
4 extra boys in the house and all of them getting along laughing playing having a BLAST!!! I'd take 10 extra boys any day before i'd take extra girls!
All these nuggets when added together....make all the sadness of my week fade in comparison to the many blessings I have recieved. And these are only a few of the many many nuggets from today.
Take a moment....count your the neck of those around you...go ahead try....

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