Friday, July 4, 2008

Where do you find the words?

Where do you find the words to heal the heart of a child? A heart that has been stolen and broken by someone they trust. How do you look in the eyes of a child and tell them that what you have spent their lifetime teaching does not always apply? How do you look in the eyes of a child who is hurting so deeply you feel every ounce of their pain in the very depths of your soul?
We teach children there are consequences for our actions, live by the 'Golden Rule', Treat others as you would want to be treated. When you make bad choices then bad things will happen, when you hurt someone, there is a price you must pay for that hurt. Confess, ask forgiveness, say you're sorry, (and mean it) take your punishment. I am sure if you are a parent you have taught your children these same things. If you make good choices then good things will come your way. God will bless you.
So.....what happens when something so incredibly horrible happens to one of your children, not of their own doing but at the hands of another....then your child finds the courage somewhere deep inside their heart to speak, and ask for help. Only to learn that nothing will ever happen. Your child is not to be believed, the act goes unpunished, the person who committed the act is let go with out consequence....
How do you tell that child you weren't lying to them all their life? How do you tell them that we may never see the consequence this side of heaven but rest assured there will be consequence with God. How do you tell your child that has to be enough, when your heart screams for justice, cries for consequence....
How do you look in the eyes of a hurting child and tell them it will be OK. When in your very own heart its not enough......Please someone tell me....

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