Tuesday, July 22, 2008

what is success?

I saw it written once that the definition of success was: "The ability to find the will of God for our lives and actually doing it."
When I read that I really didn't think much of it, but lately I have been trying to figure a lot of things out and that quote popped back into my mind. I have spent some time pondering that this week. How do I define success? I am not really sure, I know that I definitely don't feel I have achieved it yet in life. I know that I want to feel successful, I know that when failures arise, and let me tell you, they do way more often than I would like to see, I am deeply disappointed, in myself.
Can we be considered successful at different levels of life? Or is it an overall grade? I am trying to figure all this out. I do know that success and failure is a personal thing. When others glance into my life they may see success where I see failure and vice versa. As I do in others. It is much easier to stand by and judge anther's successes and failures than it to see our own. We are our own worst critics. Usually, anyway. In my case I know this to be true.
For me, I know there have been turns in the road of my life where I took a path I knew was not intended for my feet to trod. But for many reasons took it anyway. I guess, as I get older, and my children get older, I examine those things more closely and wonder....are the trials of our lives because I ignored the will of God in my life at certain cross roads? Is it too late to go back and change? Did I totally miss the opportunity to please God by fulfilling His purpose through my life? Now what? Is this one of those times where all future generations will in some way pay for the disobedience of those who came before them? If so, that means my future generations will be paying for my inability to follow God's voice and fulfill His will in my life. Then I think, how can that be possible? I mean it isn't like I committed great sin, although sin is relative, I know. But that is an entirely different subject all together. One I am not sure I even have the courage to address here or anywhere for that matter.
Anyway....its not like I am this crazy rebel who clearly heard the voice of God commanding me to do certain things. It was never like that at all. It was more the kind of subtle unease in my soul when I was walking along the way. You know, when you are contemplating something in your heart and this tiny little voice whispers in your ear, that is not a great idea, don't do it, then for whatever reason....you do it anyway. Lack of courage to follow the truth? Maybe. Lack of confidence in yourself and not being able to fully rely on the God who created you? Maybe. More likely a combination of both and more.
Don't get me wrong...It isn't like I think I have ruined lives or anything like that. It is just the idea that I can see clearly now, looking in the rear view mirror of my life, the times when I did not see the will of God in my life and now I see. Some are little things that in the grand scheme of things probably wouldn't make a difference anyway, but others, could have been life altering. changing the course of life forever.
So, how do I define success? I guess I am still not sure. I will be pursuing the answers until I find them. Will I lose sleep over them, maybe some. But, when you were created with one of those kinds of minds that is constantly analyzing life and lessons, you lose sleep anyway. So, why not lose it while pursuing success and the will of God?

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