Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Stretching and growing....

When the Lord decides it is time for you to stretch and grow, look out! Whether you are ready or not...He will pull you in directions you never thought you could go, He will push you into places that you could never imagine. The crazy thing is that even when we think we are deeply rooted in our faith....there are times when we need pruning. How painful that can be!!!
God is working through this process with me. Many times I feel so inadequate and unworthy. God has shown me, lovingly shown me, that he created me, unique, and set apart from all others. He created me the way He did on purpose. Why is it always easier to see the work God does in those lives around us than it is see what He is doing in our own hearts??
The more time I spend in prayer and time with Him the more He is showing me. Some things have surprised me....others, I have had to surrender and leave at His feet. That is the part that I know will be difficult for me...I am very good at returning to the Throne and saying something like: "So, God, remember that stuff I laid at your feet yesterday? Can I have some of it back? I think I can handle it." He has shown me that He desires for me to leave it all, walk away, and rest in His hands.
I have decided the next time I have spending money I might buy a Message Bible. I like some of the translations and how they are so real. Not that I think less of the NKJ version but sometimes the message speaks a little louder. I would never be able to use it as my only study tool. Are you kidding me? I am the girl who has 3 different versions on my lap and all around me cross referencing, Searching for the one that speaks to my heart. I just think the Message would be a nice addition.
God can do anything, you know-far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, His Spirit deeply and gently within us. Ephesians 3:20 The Message.

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