Monday, October 22, 2007

wacky weekend and a trip to the ER

Well, we had a great fun filled weekend planned. Friday we were going to have family night, which we did...sort of....Scott decided he wanted to go out to eat since 3 of our 6 kids devloped plans away from home for the night. Our dinner bill was literally half of a normal out to eat bill. Food was awful! But anyway, it was different havin only 3 kids with us. Then we went window shopping at the mall. First off, I am not much of a shopper, I have to be in the mood to go, and secondly I really don't like shopping with kids. The time was not too bad actually. Isaiah kept us all laughing the entire time. I have no idea what got into him but he was a hoot!
Saturday we were supposed to go to our friend Paula's Fall party, then our niece's first birthday party, then our friend Pastor Lori had a huge fall party for her church. We did not make it out to Paula's because there would not have been enough time to get to Kennadee's party. We were late for the birthday because we were waiting for Elijah to get home. Dominique actually came to the party too. He usually does not go to those kinds of things. I was very happy to have him with us. After the party, we came home to wait for Madison to return from her friends house so we could got o Pastor Lori's party....well, when she got home she was having severe abdominal pain. I had my mom, the nurse, come up and check her out to see what we should do. After little debate, a call to Michelle, a call to Dominique to come home so he could watch kids for us, and we were off to the ER.
The nurses thought for sure we would be having her appendix out....the doctors decided to do an ultra sound of her abdomen. She had another ovarian cyst rupture AGAIN! Ok ladies out there...please pray for her this is a very painful thing to have happen. And it looks like something she may have to deal with on a fairly regular basis. I am calling her doctor today to see if there is anything we can do....daddy is not supportive of putting her on a low dose birth control pill, maybe we can change his mind. Obviously this is a unique situation and not the reason most teenaged girls take it. So please pray for Madison.

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