Sunday, October 14, 2007

miles behinde and miles ahead...

We made it safely to the apartment before the office closed. yeah! Dominique did a great job helping me drive. He and "Carmin the Garmin" have officially become friends, hee hee. Leslie helped us out so much with directions and suggestions. We were able to walk in a local mall to stretch and then we went to Cub Foods to pick up a few groceries. Dominique wanted White Castle for his dinner, I have decided...I do not like their burgers at all! I made Isaiah shells and cheese when we got back. He is very happy to have a kitchen at his mom's finger tips. I must say it is nice! The lego ship took longer than the trip to build so the building project went into the evening, but he finished and when I get back home I will post new pix. Obviously since I am writing now, Dominique found a way for us to use the lap top. Good thing he is with me, because I would not have been able to figure that out! This time has been good for Dominique and Isaiah, they have laughed a lot. Laughter is always good to hear. I have checked in with the home front a couple times. Scott is feeling better and reports all is going well. YAH! I knew he would be fine, but since he has been sick I was a bit worried. Elijah made it until bed time then got sad. Once he falls asleep he will be fine. And Daddy is going to spend time in his class at school tomorrow. That will be fun!
We have a big day tomorrow.
Many more miles to go....Good night...

1 comment:

Lori Eilers said...

Wow, sounds like things are going well. I'll be expecting a great report after all those prayers! Love you guys!