Thursday, October 18, 2007

seniors, college tours, tears and um a panic attack or 2

As you all know the college thing has been sort of a battle. I really want my children to get an education to support their future. I have no regret of my decision to quit college to care for my father who was dying....however, I do wish with everything in me that I had the opportunity to finish my degree. I don't want my children to have those feelings later on in life. Convincing a 17 year old of those thoughts is not an easy feat to accomplish. Turns out I didn't have to....I love moments like this when God clearly orchestrates life moments to add up to on event.
I dragged Dominique to that college fair. where out of 250 colleges he found ONE he liked. It so happens that one college is in St. Paul near one of Isaiah's hospitals. Coincidence? I don't think so. God has planned out every moment of our lives, we just can't always see through our own plans. I said all of this to say. The amazing moment at the school when I saw, I mean visibly saw "the light come on" for Dominique was incredible! That one look and all those that followed told me that he found the place where he belongs. My dreams for him and his dreams for himself can all be achieved in this place. So begins our process of applying, auditioning and financing. And if anyone has any good tips on how to handle these crazy panic attacks that hit me from out of nowhere. Please share.
This will truly be the test. How good a job have I done in preparing him for life in the world without becoming part of the world??? God please keep your hands of protection on my boy as he travels this road to becoming a man. I pray that his heart would always follow God. And he would never forget where home the tears! I am so proud of him!

1 comment:

Truders said...

God knows your heart Angela. He hears your prayers and is answering them. What a great opportunity for Dominique and to be so close to the hospital and even home. You've done your best with God has given you and it's showing through your boy. Our prayers will continue to be with all of you.