It has been a very busy couple weeks. We made it through the missionette sleep over with a princess theme that was fun! We made it through conference week with not much trouble. So here's the update...
Scott is doing great. His hours will be changing at work in a couple weeks. He and Philip took Isaiah golfing they say all 3 did awful but had a ton of fun!
Me? I am doing well also, I had my last Quilt making class last night. When I got home I stayed up until nearly midnight and finished the quilt!!! I am so excited, I can't believe I made my first quilt...AND I have all the squares cut for #2! I enjoyed cooking for the teachers at school last week for conferences.
Dominique...He has been busy as usual. Trying to find a part time job. Studying fot the ACT at the end of October. He is doing very well in his classes at Grandview College. AND.....da da da.....he found a college he is VERY interested in while at the college fair. In fact, next week when Isaiah is in Minnesota for his appointments, we are going to do a campus visit. Please keep praying. I think he has his heart set on this ONE college or none...I am still praying for a mentor to walk into his life. Teenagers need someone to be there no matter what. Not a peer and not always a parent...I love my son and we have a great relationship but there are times when he needs someone else, you know what I mean??
Madison loves school. She is definately a social person and thrives on social action and chaos all around! We still have some concerns around our decision to send her back to school this year, however, she has a great team of teachers working with her!
Isaiah has been woking on a secret project with uncle Cowboy, it is finished and waiting for me to have time to help him paint it. We are very excited to show every one what they created together. He is doing very well in his school stuff! We are gearing up for the next trip to the hospital we leave on Sunday morning and will return late Tuesday. Please pray for good news.
Elijah loves school and his teacher is amazing! He has made a really good friend this year. I love to see the growth in him. He is our little clown and keeps us all laughing! Which is a very good thing!
Amaris had good conferences this time. She has become a very competetive lttle turd. We have had to work really hard with her on competeing in good ways as compared to not so good. She can't wait for us to go on our trip, the little turkey keeps asking me when I am leaving...
Samuel I think we are slowly making progress with him. I am still not so sure medication is the answer but we are trying it for a while. He has been working hard on his preschool stuff, I have some curriculum I used for all the others and am trying it with Sam this year. He loves to visit Mrs. K's class when we are at the school on Modays and Thursdays for Isaiah.
Other random things....
Our children's pastor has resigned his position effective Nov. 14. Please pray for our children's ministry change is sometimes necessary but never easy.
My little friend Gabe is in Florida with his family this week. He is still feeling pretty good. The little man has a long rough road ahead of him unless God chooses to heal him. Pray for his family too!
Our other friend Noah is still in the midst of his battle against cancer. He is doing great right now. But still needs tons of prayer he too has a long road to haul! Both boys are courageous and I am honored to know them!
Pray for Gramma. She has moved from her home into a retirement apartment setting and as I said before change is never easy.
Well, we are off to the dentist this morning. UGH!