Thursday, August 9, 2007

Thanks to my Mom, we are taking the kids (yes, all 6 of them) to St. Joseph Missouri for the weekend. We will be leaving in the morning. Staying at the Stony Creek Inn, which happens to be the only place with a suite large enough for our family, it even has bunk beds which I think the kids will enjoy! I have been researching things to do there. Seems like there a lot of free things to do. (I love FREE!) We haven't taken a weekend trip or vacation of any kind in a couple years. It will be so nice to be able to get away and have some fun with the kids for a change. We have to save all our time and money for trips to the hospital. So this little trip, compliments of Camel Gramma, will be really, realy nice! I will not be blogging until Sunday night or Monday.

1 comment:

Truders said...

That is sooooo awesome!! Enjoy your time away. I agree also FREE is a very good price.