Tuesday, August 28, 2007

More Roses and Thorns

Rose: My mom is a nurse and lives right down the street.
Thron: Friday I flunked mom 101 again! Madison ended up in the ER because they thought she had apendicitis (how do you spell that anyway?). For the first hour she laid on the floor I didn't believe her. (she tends to be a drama queen).
Rose: I called my mom, as previously mentioned she is a nurse, she came up and checked her out, off we went to the urgent care. then off to the ER. Finally at 11:30pm they determined it was not her appendix but an ovarian cyste that ruptured. Pain meds on board we were on our way home.
Thorn: My hand is still causing me a lot of pain and I have a wedding cake and 500 mints to make in just a few weeks!

Rose: Tomorrow Samuel will be 5. Happy Birthday Sam-I-Am!

Rose: Dominique started his classes this week at Grand View. He had Pizza for his first day breakfast. He had a good day.
Thorn: He has a 15-20 page essay to write for one class. AND he doesn't think he wants to go to college after all....Kleenex please!

Rose: I think we are still in the waiting game for our next trip to MN with Isaiah.
Rose: this has been a good few days for him as far as pain goes.
Thorn: Our insurance is denying all MN claims they decided they wont pay any more for out of state services that they think COULD be provided in Iowa. I have another name for this but should not say such things on here...

Rose: We had Group conferences at school tonight and had the opportunity to meet the new principal and teachers.
Rose: My kids really like their new teachers.
Rose: I actually had time to chat with a friend without a kid (or husband) beckoning me to the van!
Rose: Isaiah got to go to school for art Monday and he had a great time!
Thorn: I wish I had more time in my week to volunteer.

Thorn: I have been feeling sad lately, I don't know if it is Dominique making me feel old or the fact that I miss my kids when they go off to school or maybe its hormones..who knows....maybe its a mom thing and every one feels this way at times. Secretly, I hope it is the latter of the list. That would mean I am not crazy and maybe not a half bad mom either.
Well, this is the end of the second edition of Roses and Thorns

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