Saturday, March 13, 2010

There was no Loincloth

The following is a copy of the devotion I read this morning. I liked it and thought I would share.
T.D. Jakes
Who His own self bare our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes we are healed. 1 Peter 2:24

The Saviors head is pricked with the thorns of every issue that would ever rest on my mind. His hands are nailed through for every vile thing I have ever used mine to do. His feet are nailed to the tree for every illicit, immoral place you and I have ever walked in! Sweat and blood race down His tortured frame. His oozing, gaping wounds are tormented by the abrasive bark of that old rugged cross, and are assaulted by the salty sweat of a dying man. In spite of His pain and abuse, in spite of His torment and His nudity, He was still preaching as they watched Him dying----naked and not ashamed!
Oh preacher, you say you've been through some things and that you've been hurt--- still you must not stop preaching. Even though you have been stripped and others have beheld  your nakedness, there are still some who will hear your words. Some dying thief will relate to you---if you can preach through your nudity and minister through your pain. Someone will relate to you and be saved because you stayed at your post and did what you were called to do!
Yes, the tormentors unveiled Him as if they were unmasking a painting. His nailed hands were denied the privilege of hiding Himself. He was exposed. So what about the issue of the loincloth? Where did this loincloth come from? Why is it painted on most of the pictures I see of the cross? Isn't that what hinders us now? Are we, the Body of Christ, hiding beneath a loincloth that has stifled our testimony and blocked our ability to be transparent, even with one another? There is seemingly some secret order whereby we have not been allowed to share our struggles as well as our successes. Our ministers are dying of loneliness because they feel obligated to maintain some false image of perfection in order to be serviceable in our society. We have no one to laugh with, no one to cry with, and no one to sit down and share a sandwich with us. Beneath the loincloth of human expectation and excessive demands, many men and women are bleeding to death!
TD Jakes~

This hit me hard both on a personal level and in thinking of all the changes and trials and triumphs our church have endured over the past year. I know Jakes is speaking figuratively here and it totally made sense to me. I often hesitate and even think a day or 2 before writing about what weighs heavy on my mind. Fearing what others may be thinking. I often think those around me have perfect lives with perfect children and never have any issues remotely similar to what we face. So it is easier to put on the loincloth and cover my nakedness so as not to expose my children or my my pain.
 I am going to try really hard to work on not being this way. Just maybe the patchwork pieces of my crazy life will touch the life of someone out there who otherwise would have no hope.

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