Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Sometimes what we hear is not really what we want to hear. This can apply in so many different situations. but today in particular for me was absolutely not what I wanted to hear...
I love my doctor! I avoid my doctor because I hate the scale. that's it I said it! Seriously I have canceled appointments in the past just because I could not imagine stepping on the scale. Sad isn't it?? haha I can't believe I just admitted that! what is life coming to??
Anyway I had to see my doctor today for 2 reasons. 1. I am out of thyroid medicine and refills (ok so the pharmacy told me he refused to call in any more refills until I come in for blood work yikes!) and 2. I was in the hospital and so sick one of the requirements of my discharge was to follow up with him. Again I really love him. He has been my doctor since Dom was 3! He has saved my life twice. literally!
We chatted I gave him a photo of all my kiddos.
He was a bit concerned about my coughing. I told him HONEST I feel good! I just wish I wasn't so tired!
First we took a walk. A 'brisk power walk' according to him I need to be taking more of these....the walk triggered a coughing fit I had a hard time controlling. He told me I will be on the inhalers for a long time. Then we went for a walk and he showed me all my xrays and test results.
When we returned to the exam room I asked him about the exhaustion. do you know what he said?
You were sick (yes, I know this) you can expect it to take 4 to 6 months MONTHS!! to be 100% You need to take extra good care of yourself so you do not get sick because your body can not recover well at this time. UGH months??? really? so unfair!
Then he dropped the bomb...I could tell it was coming when he took extra long to examine my neck and some lymph nodes. I kept thinking ... no no no no no no no ~ do. not. look. at. my. charts. but he did. and then he looked again. then he re examined my neck. then he sighed....and I knew what he was about to say. So I contemplated tuning him out but knew that would not work. So I listened as he explained that I need to have the whole thyroid testing thing again! ( I hate hate hate this!! )
But lucky me ( hear the sarcasm?) I have to be well before he makes me sick again! I said why can't we just do it now and make me feel totally crappy then I can get better. Nope. no way. no deal. 4 months I have to come back and see if he thinks I am healthy enough to make sick! UGH! POOH! In the mean time we did a million ( not really) like 6 or 8 tubes of blood work. He will call if he changes his mind.
I will be waiting and ready to throw a tantrum....maybe that will get me out of this! do ya think?

1 comment:

Truders said...

Sorry my friend. I did not know you were going through all the testing and blood work, etc. I will be praying for you!! Love you!