Monday, March 8, 2010

The conference was great on Friday! We completed CPR and First Aid. The class wasn't as bad as I anticipated it to be. We had a good group of people and the instructors were fun people. I am excited because I talked to the instructors about training all my Dropz of Hope volunteers I am looking forward to setting the training up!
I met several new families who are excited about Dropz of Hope and Foster Parents Night Out, one family even said they would be willing to drive 3 hours from their home just to have a date night!! Hearing that made me happy to be providing such a valuable service but sad that it is that necessary and that unavailable to our special families!!
I also met the director of post adoption support. She introduced me to the worker in charge of our area. We talked about services available to us for Sam Amaris and Zephan that I had no idea were available! I am really encouraged by this meeting. I will be calling him today to get more information.
In my research I found this conference being provided in Omaha. The cost is affordable and I am praying Scott will allow me to go. I would have to be gone a Friday night and all day Saturday at the end of April. But the training would be well worth it and I am excited!!
This weekend was crazy busy! Friday night the boys had a lock-in at church they went swimming bowling and had pizza and tons of fun! I stayed home with the three youngest and my good friend Trudy came over, we had good conversation. It has been a LOOOONG time since we have spent time together it was nice.
Saturday brought rain and a birthday party for my little buddy Ben. He had a swimming party at the local hotel. The kids all had fun swimming until the Burrito fell into the hot tub and Lij tried to save him but he was too slippery and kept sliding out of his arms! Finally after 3 or 4 tries Scott got there and grabbed him. Sputtering and coughing and SCREAMING! Poor Lij was scared to death. and there ended our swimming fun...
After the party we decided to grab some tacos to take home for dinner.
Teen Challenge called just as we were pulling into the parking lot. I spent 40 minutes on the phone trying to calm Madison down ( I will post a seperate post about this mess!)
My special friend Donna came over for a few minutes, it is ALWAYS wonderful to have her sweet face around! We all love her!!
Sunday was a busy day, church a wonderful talk with my dear friend :0) then run to Hy Vee so I could buy sack lunch items for the week. After church we had a nice reception for Pastor Ray and his wife Pat who have been called to serve as senior pastors in Arizona! Wonderful for them to be following God's call on their livces wonderful for the people in AZ....sad for us! We LOVE them so much they have been such amazing people in our lives and we are so grateful for the opportunity to have gotten to know them! Be blessed as you move forward and continue to touch and change lives for HIM!
Today is Monday and I am already tired!
Happy Monday to all my friends!!
Love ang

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