Friday, March 12, 2010

God is good.
He takes small moments in time. Bits of peace and quiet to whisper into our darkest hours. HOPE.
This is what He whispered to me last night when sleep ran away from me.
Matthew  10:30 
30 And the very hairs on your head are all numbered.
He did not count them....counting would mean that He merely knows how many are there. NOPE! He numbered them! That means He knows which ones washed down the drain this morning. He has a chronological history of each and every strand that has ever grown on my rounded head!
In the same respect He showed me that He has every detail of my life and those whom I love in His sights as well. God's mind is FULL of me! Even in these moments of absolute terror and storm when I don't know what I am doing. when I am not sure how things will turn out.  None of this was a surprise to Him. He knew I would be facing these storms and He knew I could handle it. I just have to remind myself that I need to trust in Him and He will carry me when I need carried, hold my hand when I need His hand and He will lovingly walk alongside just in case...

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