Tuesday, March 27, 2007

time to move on to another kid

It is time for me to pick on one of my other kids now!
I am now officially convinced that when kids hit around 16 they suffer severe brain damage! At what point they recover from the brain damage I am not sure, but I will let you all know when recovery begins!
How do you get them to understand that you DO love them, AND believe in them and their dreams. BUT you also want what is best for them??????
To all of you out there who have just emerged from the brain damage phaze of life please HELP me understand! Any parents who have survived this stage? Words of wisom PLEASE!!!!
I love my boy, I really do and for his entire 16 years so far he has been nothing short of a joy to me. But here lately I don't know what is happening, he doesn't like to be home and with the family, he actually got a little lippy with me the other day, I know I couldn't believe it. OK, actually he got a lot lippy and now he is grounded and it not only shocked me but it also broke my heart. No mother wants to see the day their offspring shows the first sign of disrespect. This is not the one of my children I ever thought would act that way. When I said my kids are all Wonderfully Different, I really meant it. They are all 6 very different from each other. Dominique is soft hearted with a tender spirit. He hates conflict and is a major peace maker. He is VERY talented in a lot of things. He is a great skate boarder, amazing drummer, and gifted in art. He is an excellant student, devoted and trust worthy friend. So, it made me sad when he showed this new side to me.
Then the very next day, he went to class at Grand View and locked his keys in the truck, which would be no big deal if it wasn't the 4th time in 3 months...so, Scott went and unlocked the truck for him, (Jodi, if you are reading this, next week when we meet for lunch I am giving you a key to hold onto just in case....

1 comment:

Lori Eilers said...

Great job on the pics and the meez! You'll soon be a blog expert. About your boy...have faith that this too shall pass. When teens are stressed, confused or frustrated in life, they take it out on the person they love the most. Partly because they know deep down that they can behave that way and we will still love them. Dominique is an awesome person and he knows what is right and wrong and he will come around. With your constistant love, discipline and listening ear, he will realize you only want what's best for him. Hang in there, you are a great mom! As they get older, they also realize you aren't as dumb as they thought you were. :)