Thursday, March 29, 2007

Strong-willed Sam

I thought I had met all the most stong-willed kids in the world already. After all I have worked with children in many different ways for the past 24 years. I have decided after this very long week with Sam that he wins the most-stubborn-child-in-the-world award!!
OK, so yesterday began like all days do in this busy house, up early trying to get kids ready for the bus, making sure they look like children and not we are about 10 minutes into our morning routine and Sam starts screaming at the top of his lungs, "I want to get up!" Now he knows all he has to do is come out of his room and say he is awake and then the day will begin for him...WHY WHY WHY he couldn't get that through his cute little head is totally beyonde me! So, I went in and told him that when he was ready to speak kindly to me then he could get up. This launched him into a full fledged tantrum that literally lasted for 2 hours. Finally, he emergered from his room, puffy eyed and grouchy still. He proceeds to tell me, "I'm getting up!" I said, "Sam you need to tell Mommy that you are sorry for being naughty, then you may get up. Are you sorry?" That little turkey told me, "NO" So, I said you need to go back to bed until you are ready to apologize, when your ready mommy will be right here." Guess what? You wont believe it...the next time he came out, I even told him exactly what to say, and my sweet boy raised his little hand and said to me,"um, mommy can I go to my bed and think about this?" ahgahgahg! I let him go, and it was noon before I saw him again, at which time he said as if he just got up and it was 7 am "Hi mommy, I'm sorry. Can I get up" and then he kissed me. What happened? How is it possible for a 4 year old child to have it in him to stubbornly sit in his room for hours just so he wont have to say 'I'm sorry'?? This morning was exactly the same accept that he finally decided at around 10am that he wanted to be happy and part of the fun. I wonder if the fact that my friends little boy is here for the day had any impact on his decision making today. I guess we will know when tomarrow morning arrives. I must stick to my guns. And maybe he will realize that my will is stronger than his...or...I will be in a little white coat that ties in the back by weeks end!!! One way or the other I am sure he will be back to the old routine again soon....

1 comment:

Lori Eilers said...

Good job mom! One of the 3 keys to parenting and discipline that I teach in my parenting class is you must ALWAYS win. The other 2 are constistantly be constistant and be gentle.