Saturday, March 24, 2007


I am at a loss. Isaiah is struggling with pain. I think he may be experiencing muscle spasms. His pain begins at the base of his skull and goes to the bottom of his scar site and through both shoulders. I don't know how to help him. He is allergic to Ibuprofen, Tylenol doesn't even begin to take the edge off. We have a perscription for hydrocodone, but I HATE to use that. Today, my mother took me out to Costco and I found this thing called Salonpas, it is a pain patch, topical analgesic, after his bath tonight I put one on him. I guess we will see in the morning. So far the doctors have told us that pain just may be a part of his life he has to get used to. How fair is that? 10 years old and already has to live with it. Then I think about next week, Spring break is over, how is he going to make it through a day at school when he can't make it through a day at home with out crying. God is an awesome God. I know! I really do, Isaiah is living breathing proof of His awesome Power! A friend of ours Grandpa Toad calls Isaiah his Wlking Testimony isn't that cool? It's just taht when your child id hurting you get a little impatient waiting for God to show His Power. Or am I the only one that struggles with that?
His tears make it hard. Isaiah is such a tough little guy. He rarely ever complains about anything. Almost never about pain, so when he does complain you have to know it must be bad.
If you are reading this, please pray for my Isaiah this week and that we may find a way to help this pain control.

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