Sunday, November 18, 2012

Dear Jonah,
This is a blog post about your story. The story I will one day sit down with you and share. When your heart is yearning for information and your mind is wondering about where your story began. I am going to record for you here what I can. The rest will have to wait until you get big. Not size big but age big, you know, like Dominique big.
I was sitting at the kitchen table working on Dropz of Hope business when I received the call. Iowa Kids Net was on the phone the lady was kind and gentle and very careful in her questioning. She wanted to know if we had adopted a little boy in 2008 and was his birthdate 8/25. When I responded that yes, we had. She informed me that his mother had just had a new baby boy the day before and they would like very much if we would consider taking care of the new baby so he could be with his big brother.
Jonah, I must tell you, Daddy and Mommy have a deal. Whenever we get a call about taking a ne child into our home we NEVER say yes with out praying about it and talking to each other. This was the first time that I broke that agreement. My mind was racing in a million different directions. Finally I took a deep breath and whispered a prayer, Lord, please forgive me for breaking this agreement. Then I told the lady Yes, we will take the baby. When and where should we pick him up? I was told that your worker would be calling me soon.
It seemed like an eternity had passed before Dana called me back. We agreed that I would meet her up in the waiting room at the hopsital and that you would be released to me. I was so nervous. I worked with your birth mom before with your brother and I was not sure what to expect this time. I knew it was very mportant to show her love and compassion becaus ei knew just like with your brother, she must love you very much and this must be a very difficult time for her.
Finally after arriving at the hopsital, talking with the nurse and with Dana, we decided you needed a little more time with your birth mom, so I left the hospital for a few hours, I went shopping and bought you some clothes, diapers and other things you would need. I went back up to the hospital, met with Dana and the nurse again. Then I was taken to the room where you were with your birth mom and her friends. She had friends with her so she wouldnt be along, I was so grateful for that.
I brought you home that night but we did not tell anyone who you really were. Daddy and mommy decided to keep that a secret for a while until we figured out what would happen.
Time went by you were not well. We spent many hours in the doctors offices and hospitals over the next few months. Molly you worker and Ashley your FSRP were so wonderful. They loved you so much and always always took great care of you.
We learned in June 2012 that the judges in the apeals court had made the decision to uphold the ruling of your judge and made it possible for us to move forward with your adoption and make you a forever part of our family, You were already a forever part of my heart. We had a lot of work to do before we could have our big day.
You and mommy spent many more hours with doctors in offices and hospitals while they tried to find ways to help you grow and eat. Soon the time came when we had enough answere
Finally the day arrived when Mommy nad Daddy had a special meeting with our attorney Mike and signed all the papers.
October 24, 2012 Adotion Day.
I am so very proud of you. You bring a special light into my heart and I could never imagine life without you.
The rest of the story, my sweet boy, will have to wait until you are big, like Dominique.
Love you forever

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