Monday, January 24, 2011

Moving forward

Dropz of Hope
My Heart
taking steps forward fulfilling all the plans God has for us is not always an easy task but slowly I am seeing forward motion and I gotta be honest I get a little excited.
I am making new contacts, networking with others on ways to grow and touch the lives of these children more effectively. New opportunities are forming. New families are getting in touch with us on a regular basis.
This month FPNO fell on the same night as a huge concert here in Des Moines and several of my regular volunteers were not able to come, I was super excited to hear from Brother David and Sister Crystal from Heritage Christian Academy. They brought several youth and a Mom along to help out on Friday night. It was great to see youth getting involved in a positive way to touch the lives of these children. I am excited to see where this new relationship will go from here. I have lots of ideas swirling around in my head. Waiting on the Lord to reveal which are His and which are mine....Progress is a good thing when it is at His speed and direction not mine!

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