Monday, January 3, 2011

A friend of mine is a photographer, this past weekend he shot these photos and various others in Washington DC this lady touched me. He also shot a video. From these photos and the video I wrote the following:

She has positioned herself strategically on the sidewalk in front of the White House. Surrounding herself with propaganda that screams nonsense that only her mind could comprehend. Sitting amongst the signage and photos that force the passersby to stop and draw in her convictions. It is impossible to encounter this woman and keep moving. People stop. some making fun and posing in gest. others gawking at the pitiful sight her life has become. Yet her eyes. shadowed by sorrows of years past, draw you in and you can see a lifetime reflected in the almond shaped windows to her world. You can't help but to stand before her and want to know her. Years of harsh living are etched deeply in her crimson cheeks. Standing by watching, listening, you are drawn in closer with a desire to hear her story. If nothing else but to give words to her sorrow and bring peace to her world.

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