Friday, January 14, 2011

funniest story ever....well maybe not ever but....

I went to pick up Little E Sunday afternoon on my way to church. Upon arrivning at the house, Auntie announces that I am officially her sister and she wants to show her gratitude by sharing some spaghetti with me. I explain that I am on my way to church and do not have time to eat with them but that was a very nice gesture. She met me at the door with a to-go container filled to the top with spaghettie adn a fork ready for my sampling. It smelled a little different to me, and I noticed some sort of meat in it I did not recognize.
It my favorite, Auntie says. I had 2 platefuls. Grandmom made it for us today....Its PIGSFEET!!
I thought to myself....IN SPAGHETTI??? whoa???? then I thought: how in the world am I going to pull this off? It has taken us 9 months to gain a trust and form a bond between us, I cant ruin that now over pigsfeet!
So I took the fork and began to twirl the noodles....OH you gotta get some of that good meat on there too! deep breath....can she see me begin to sweat?? I cut a hunk off the foot (eeww) and put the bite in my mouth. willing myself not to gag. to act normal and carry on the rest of the conversation.Somehow I managed to swallow all the noodles and safely tuck the pigsfoot into my cheek. Then as sneaky as I could....I spit it into my hand and quick put it in my coat pocket. Looking around the room I could tell that no one had noticed. WHEW! I did it! Now all I could think about was this pigs foot in my pocket....As soon as I got to church I flushed it down the toilet! LOL
Monday for dinner Little E ate the entire bowl feet and all....