Monday, March 16, 2009

ramblings and other random things

Things have been tough lately. I don't mean financially tough I mean Tough. It has felt as though Madison has kept us in deep water with out life preservers. Slowly....SLOWLY...we are finding our way. I still have no idea what tomorrow will look like in terms of life with Madison. Some days I see glimpses of hope that shine through and I think....a corner is about to be turned...then WHAM! so, today I will enjoy the lallygag down the lane of wonder and wait and see where we end up. I am sure tomorrow will look quite different than today anyhow!
Life has been busy around my world. We have had outings trainings conferences meetings and such.
Dominique officially made it through mid terms week. I am so very proud of him! YAY DOM! We made and mailed him his favorite cookies and some pix made by the monsters. He liked his package a lot. Funny thing: he calls me up the day he gets the box in the mail.
D: Mom I got my package THANKS! but um, did you read the letters the kids wrote to me?
M: No, why?
D: Amaris wrote 'dear Dom, I love you and miss you. Love Amaris...PS WHERE ARE YOU?
we both got a good laugh out of that one!
My little brother is getting married in Philly! so we are trying to figure out how many of us will be able to attend the wedding.
Last weekend I along with Trudy and Amy went on the Daisy Prim overnight at the camp in Boone. It was a lot of fun. I love love love camp! If I had the ability to do anything I wanted I would buy a camp ground In the woods, with a lake. I would run the lodge cooking for all the guests. My brother Philip would be maintenance and grounds. I would live there all year and host different camps for all kinds of kids. I have thought it through many times and dream of it at times. We decided at the overnight that Trudy would have to be in on it too so she can have her book store. (her dream) and of course I love books so that is a perfect plan!
This week is spring camp at church I am doing crafts all week and then in the afternoons the kids all go on a field trip. Today was great!
The Burrito just finished 10 days of antibiotic Sunday morning and is SICK AGAIN!! We got a new antibiotic today and hopefully he will be on the mend soon. He is super grumpy!
This Friday night is our 3rd Foster Parents Night Out. I already have 23 foster children signed up. WOO HOO! This time I decided to do a homemade carnival. I am excited!
Baseball practice has started for Lij. He loves baseball! The weather today could not have been more beautiful for a practice and they took full advantage of it! Soon we will have opening ceremonies and then the games will begin. His games are on Tuesdays and Thursdays this year. I am looking forward to making some new baseball memories!
I think that is about all for now from my world. Thank you all for your continued prayers. I do appreciate them very much!

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