Friday, January 25, 2008


There are many things in our lives that require us to trust. Trust in ourselves, trust in the significant others in our lives, trust in God. I have been studying trust lately because quite honestly praying for patience has not been a good thing for me. When I pray for patience I only get more reasons to BE patient. One thing I have learned about trust is that faith and trust go hand in hand. You can't have one with out the other. Here are some of my thoughts on trust.
Trust and our children:
A conscious act of placing each one of our children in God's hands. With that act comes an awareness that through each experience whether it be social, emotional, physical, or intellectual. God is at work in their lives. He is molding them into what He wants them to become. He can turn even what we believe is hurtful into His good. Turning their failures, and ours, into footsteps towards Him.
personal trust:
If we can figure out how to live, trust, and let go, completely leaving it all in an open hand held before God, He promises He will work it all out. He keeps His promises.
Trust in timing and waiting:
God's timing does not always coincide with our immediate plans. Sometimes His timing requires that we wait and Hope. Only when we begin to nurture our waiting with trust can deliverance come. I pray that God would draw me closer to His heart. I want to feel the whisper of His love, hope and peace brush across my soul. When that comes then I have the strength to trust and wait.
I read this the other day:
"Lord, so wrap me in the knowledge of you that my trust is no longer in you, but IS you."
I love that.
I hope to grow in trust and faith daily!

1 comment:

Truders said...

That was so good for today!! Thanks for sharing that. It's a lesson I need to learning.