There are many things in our lives that require us to trust. Trust in ourselves, trust in the significant others in our lives, trust in God. I have been studying trust lately because quite honestly praying for patience has not been a good thing for me. When I pray for patience I only get more reasons to BE patient. One thing I have learned about trust is that faith and trust go hand in hand. You can't have one with out the other. Here are some of my thoughts on trust.
Trust and our children:
A conscious act of placing each one of our children in God's hands. With that act comes an awareness that through each experience whether it be social, emotional, physical, or intellectual. God is at work in their lives. He is molding them into what He wants them to become. He can turn even what we believe is hurtful into His good. Turning their failures, and ours, into footsteps towards Him.
personal trust:
If we can figure out how to live, trust, and let go, completely leaving it all in an open hand held before God, He promises He will work it all out. He keeps His promises.
Trust in timing and waiting:
God's timing does not always coincide with our immediate plans. Sometimes His timing requires that we wait and Hope. Only when we begin to nurture our waiting with trust can deliverance come. I pray that God would draw me closer to His heart. I want to feel the whisper of His love, hope and peace brush across my soul. When that comes then I have the strength to trust and wait.
I read this the other day:
"Lord, so wrap me in the knowledge of you that my trust is no longer in you, but IS you."
I love that.
I hope to grow in trust and faith daily!
this is the story of my journey. a peek into a day in the life of a moma who is doing the best she can to live out the legacy her father and grandmother have set before her. to learn how to love, no matter what.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Friday, January 18, 2008
OK, so maybe I need a lesson on how to place www.'s on my blog so others may take advantage of the great places I find. Sorry the www I put on there today for rating your blog does not work. I will try and figure it out. has a ton of things on their site, I do not use most of it, if you look through you will find the rating thing.
rate your blog
Home again
We arrived home Wednesday night. Travel home was fine until Ames, then we encountered stupid drivers at all new high. It is crazy how people think they can drive on snow and ice the same way they drive in sunshine. We were held up by a terrible accident that must have just happened because the only emergency people on scene were 2 police cars.
Backing up, we got to MN in time to go to the apartment and drop our stuff off first. Leslie is so very nice, she takes wonderful care of us. The temperatures in MN were about 1 degree not including the windchill. Leslie gave me her garage spot so I wouldn't have to worry about a cold van trying to start. She even had directions for me ready in case I could not remember how to get to the hospital from the apartments. Thank you Leslie!! The difference you make in our trips is unbelievable!
We met with Dr. Dunn she went over all of our graphs and charts that we keep each and every day. She examined him and has decided. Let me interject my words here for just one second....God is working, it may not be in my time frame but I can see His mighty hand at work! Doc. noticed a trend in our charting, Isaiah has been able to reach a plateau of sorts with his pain, numbness and weakness. For the most part he sits at around a 2 on a 1-10 scale, as his activity levels increase his numbers go up. Many times by the time he is done with his activity he is right around an 8 or more. He stays up there for several hours but then is able to reach that plateau again. This tells us that his neurological functions are affected by activity but also that his body is capable of recovering from that activity. So, the plan is to increase the treadmill walking to 7 days a week and add at least 4 days of water therapy. This way we will see over time if he can keep plateauing or if he will go down hill from here. Water is the very best kind of activity because it is kind to the body but still effective. Doc is very comfortable with our communication every week and we have finally found a charting system that is not only user friendly but gives her all the info she needs to make decisions for Isaiah. (if anyone out there EVER needs charts or graphs call Scott he is amazing and creative!) Doc is confident that between our communication and the charts if things begin to go down hill we will catch it fast. So, we return in May I am going to try for June since Dominique graduates in May. At that time we will do all the testing again to see how thing are looking. If she decides that things are still going slow then we will find a doc in DSM who is willing to be her hands on doc and check him every 3rd month without testing so we wont have to travel on the no test months. So we increase activity within reason and under careful watch. We keep up the communication weekly, we go back in May/June for the whole sha-bang. Then in 3 months have hands and eyes on exam, then in three months have tests....until....(God completes the healing, my choice) he needs to have surgery.
Thank you to all who have been praying for my boy! Pray works anyone who can't see that in Isaiah's life....well, that just makes me sad to think that anyone would not be able to see God at work in Isaiah's life and body.
Backing up, we got to MN in time to go to the apartment and drop our stuff off first. Leslie is so very nice, she takes wonderful care of us. The temperatures in MN were about 1 degree not including the windchill. Leslie gave me her garage spot so I wouldn't have to worry about a cold van trying to start. She even had directions for me ready in case I could not remember how to get to the hospital from the apartments. Thank you Leslie!! The difference you make in our trips is unbelievable!
We met with Dr. Dunn she went over all of our graphs and charts that we keep each and every day. She examined him and has decided. Let me interject my words here for just one second....God is working, it may not be in my time frame but I can see His mighty hand at work! Doc. noticed a trend in our charting, Isaiah has been able to reach a plateau of sorts with his pain, numbness and weakness. For the most part he sits at around a 2 on a 1-10 scale, as his activity levels increase his numbers go up. Many times by the time he is done with his activity he is right around an 8 or more. He stays up there for several hours but then is able to reach that plateau again. This tells us that his neurological functions are affected by activity but also that his body is capable of recovering from that activity. So, the plan is to increase the treadmill walking to 7 days a week and add at least 4 days of water therapy. This way we will see over time if he can keep plateauing or if he will go down hill from here. Water is the very best kind of activity because it is kind to the body but still effective. Doc is very comfortable with our communication every week and we have finally found a charting system that is not only user friendly but gives her all the info she needs to make decisions for Isaiah. (if anyone out there EVER needs charts or graphs call Scott he is amazing and creative!) Doc is confident that between our communication and the charts if things begin to go down hill we will catch it fast. So, we return in May I am going to try for June since Dominique graduates in May. At that time we will do all the testing again to see how thing are looking. If she decides that things are still going slow then we will find a doc in DSM who is willing to be her hands on doc and check him every 3rd month without testing so we wont have to travel on the no test months. So we increase activity within reason and under careful watch. We keep up the communication weekly, we go back in May/June for the whole sha-bang. Then in 3 months have hands and eyes on exam, then in three months have tests....until....(God completes the healing, my choice) he needs to have surgery.
Thank you to all who have been praying for my boy! Pray works anyone who can't see that in Isaiah's life....well, that just makes me sad to think that anyone would not be able to see God at work in Isaiah's life and body.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Headed north again.
Bright and very early in the morning Isaiah and I will be heading back up to the hospital for the next round of appointments. This time I have more peace, or maybe I have been just too darn busy to feel the nerves. I am not real sure. We have been preparing for this trip. Elijah is having a real hard time. He hates it when we are not all together. Tons of tears tonight from the boy. Sam is spending the time with the Greenhorn family. They have become a second family for him. Hopefully he will behave and not tell too many of his crazy stories. Scott will be staying home. He needs to save his time off for surgery. Since we have no way of knowing when that could be it is just smarter for him to work and me to do the check ups. Not ideal but smart. He will go into work late so he can get kids ready for school and onto the bus. Then he will go to work and after school my mom will be here to get kids off the bus. Dominique decided not to go with this time. He gets very sad when he goes. It is hard for the other kids to see what all Isaiah has to go through, the others have no idea until they take a trip with us. I saw on Noah's care page that he got to make an amazingly cool Bravery Bead thing, each bead represented some thing he has had to endure for bravery, I wish Isaiah could make one I think he'd like that. So, it will be just the 2 of us this time. Amaris is happy to see me go this time. Or so it seems she has asked at least a bajillion times when are you leaving??
We will be staying at the apartment again. Thanks to Philip and the bosses of the properties he works for. No one knows how nice it is to be able to stay there instead of hotels!! This time I will not have a computer, I have no idea if I will have access at the hospital or not. I will update Thursday, hopefully we will be home and have good news to share. Like maybe uuummmm...he has been healed and will never have to go through this any more! Or at the very least, maybe he will get one more season of golf in before he has to have his surgery. That would be fantastic!
Any way, I have a long drive ahead of me in the wee hours of the morning.....thank you all for your prayers. We need them all but more than that, we can feel them as they go up!
We will be staying at the apartment again. Thanks to Philip and the bosses of the properties he works for. No one knows how nice it is to be able to stay there instead of hotels!! This time I will not have a computer, I have no idea if I will have access at the hospital or not. I will update Thursday, hopefully we will be home and have good news to share. Like maybe uuummmm...he has been healed and will never have to go through this any more! Or at the very least, maybe he will get one more season of golf in before he has to have his surgery. That would be fantastic!
Any way, I have a long drive ahead of me in the wee hours of the morning.....thank you all for your prayers. We need them all but more than that, we can feel them as they go up!
Friday, January 11, 2008
Prayers answered one at a time.
We have been struggling with Madison for a very long time. We have been praying and searching for a doc that would work well with our team that has been in place since she was 5 years old. This past week has brought me to my knees in so many ways with her. After spending close to 2 hours on the phone Wednesday trying to convince a doc to take her on. I Became frustrated and completely gave up. I called Sara crying mercy and told her I was at a total loss.
Then Thursday morning arrived. Isaiah had had a difficult couple days with pain and was not going to school for guidance. Then I got a call from Jaimie our social worker (we are still licensed foster parents) she was on our street for an unannounced visit. Good thing we didn't go to school.
After our nearly 2 hours she was getting ready to leave and saw my notes on the table from my phoning Thursday. She asked about one of the docs on the page. So, I told her the entire Madison story.
Later in the afternoon she called, not only had she gotten special permission for us to bring Madison to see that doc, but she will work with the team we have in place. This is the doc we have wanted to come on board. I think we will finally begin to make progress with her. I am so thankful for Jaimie's willingness to go above and beyond for me. This is going to be huge for us!! I am expecting big things to happen from here!
Then Thursday morning arrived. Isaiah had had a difficult couple days with pain and was not going to school for guidance. Then I got a call from Jaimie our social worker (we are still licensed foster parents) she was on our street for an unannounced visit. Good thing we didn't go to school.
After our nearly 2 hours she was getting ready to leave and saw my notes on the table from my phoning Thursday. She asked about one of the docs on the page. So, I told her the entire Madison story.
Later in the afternoon she called, not only had she gotten special permission for us to bring Madison to see that doc, but she will work with the team we have in place. This is the doc we have wanted to come on board. I think we will finally begin to make progress with her. I am so thankful for Jaimie's willingness to go above and beyond for me. This is going to be huge for us!! I am expecting big things to happen from here!
update on Dominique's car situation.
We learned this week that our insurance was held accountable for damages to the other driver. Basically because even though both vehicles lost control and no one was ticket or faulted for the accident, he was the first driver to lose control so he has to pay. BUMMER for us because thankfully the other driver is taken care of and having her vehicle repaired BUT, Dom is out a car. And DOT wants us to come in for a hearing to discuss what he could have done to avoid the accident. Unfortunately with no car, he can't take his classes at Grandview this semester, and he can't get a job. ARGH!
I remain incredibly thankful that no one was injured in this accident and know that his angels are very tired.
I remain incredibly thankful that no one was injured in this accident and know that his angels are very tired.
Saturday January 5, 2008
What a busy day!
All the girls were picked up by 11:00 and then we were off to Target to buy presents for Tyler and Taylors adoption celebration. Sam wanted to pick out Tyler's so he picked Tonka airplanes. Amaris wanted to pick Taylor's she chose a Cabbage Patch baby because they come with adoption papers and Amaris said that all adoption kids should get a Cabbage Patch baby to adopt.
Home for a quick lunch and wrap the presents and half of us were off to the party the other half was off to the Altoona Campus for Elijah's first basket ball game ever. He was so excited to play. Then during the party I got a call from Scott Elijah wanted all of us at his game. So we high tailed it over to the campus. Only missing the first 5 minutes of the game. He played very well for the first time. He loved it! A huge bonus for all of us was that Pastor Keaton was playing racket ball with Cooper and he caught a few minutes of the game. Of course Lij thought he was there just for him.
after the game we split again half of us went home the other half went to pick up Dominique and dinner.
Madison's other mother came over at 6 to celebrate her birthday.
What a day!!
All the girls were picked up by 11:00 and then we were off to Target to buy presents for Tyler and Taylors adoption celebration. Sam wanted to pick out Tyler's so he picked Tonka airplanes. Amaris wanted to pick Taylor's she chose a Cabbage Patch baby because they come with adoption papers and Amaris said that all adoption kids should get a Cabbage Patch baby to adopt.
Home for a quick lunch and wrap the presents and half of us were off to the party the other half was off to the Altoona Campus for Elijah's first basket ball game ever. He was so excited to play. Then during the party I got a call from Scott Elijah wanted all of us at his game. So we high tailed it over to the campus. Only missing the first 5 minutes of the game. He played very well for the first time. He loved it! A huge bonus for all of us was that Pastor Keaton was playing racket ball with Cooper and he caught a few minutes of the game. Of course Lij thought he was there just for him.
after the game we split again half of us went home the other half went to pick up Dominique and dinner.
Madison's other mother came over at 6 to celebrate her birthday.
What a day!!
January 4, 2008

This was the day of Madison's birthday party. We had a ton of fun. I made 5 pies and homemade oreo cookies (the ones from Erica's blog a few months ago). After pie and presents family left and Scott went to pick up pizzas for the girls and our fam. The girls talked giggled talked giggeld and so on all night. Inot the wee hours of the morning I heard giggles and chatyter. One thing I did learn though is that Madison has a difficult time processing that much activity at once. We had several close calls and one hyperventalation episode. Over all though I think she had a Sweet 16 she will always remember.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Sweet 16
MADISON turns sweet 16 Friday January4.2008. It is hard for me to believe she is already 16....I remember like it was yesterday...she was barely 3 years old when her dad and I married...she laid on her tummy on the platform as we exchanged our vows she entertained the some way shape or form she has entertained us all ever since....I am so thankful God chose me to be one of her Mom's. I can't say that I remember the day she entered this world, I can't recall the excitement as she grew in the womb...I wasn't there, but even as we did not know each other or that we wold one day meet and become family....God was preparing my heart to be a mom to a daughter...
Happy Sweet 16th Birthday Madison!
I hope you have the best day ever!
Some fun things you may not know about Madison, when we became a family she still had a Binky and could spin it in her mouth so fast you couldn't even tell what color it was. She LOVED LOVED spinney dresses and fancy panties, so much so that she would not wear a dress if it did not spin, and I had to return several packages of panties before they passed her fancy test. She loved awfuls (waffles) and opiemeal (oatmeal) for breakfast. She loves anything that glitters or shines, loves crazy unusual outfits that I rarely think match. Madison can be very generous and giving but can't save money if her life depended on it. She is totally addicted to gum....seriously, rehab and GA (gum chewers anonymous) may be in the near future. She loves bright neon colors, hence the crazy color changes here. She can talk fast than just about anyone I have ever met. In fact, not long ago we went to an auction at my Mother's church, Scott and I decided Madison should be an auctioneer when she grows up! When she blows her nose it sounds exactly like a trumpet. She laughs all the time and can be a drama queen.
Madison....AKA...Fancypants, Maddiepants, Hovercraft, Maddie, Maditude, Sassy, Missy ( I called her Missy so much when she was little that when I referred to her as Madison people thought I was talking about another child).
Please pray blessings on her life. 16 can be a sweet can get tough too.
MADISON turns sweet 16 Friday January4.2008. It is hard for me to believe she is already 16....I remember like it was yesterday...she was barely 3 years old when her dad and I married...she laid on her tummy on the platform as we exchanged our vows she entertained the some way shape or form she has entertained us all ever since....I am so thankful God chose me to be one of her Mom's. I can't say that I remember the day she entered this world, I can't recall the excitement as she grew in the womb...I wasn't there, but even as we did not know each other or that we wold one day meet and become family....God was preparing my heart to be a mom to a daughter...
Happy Sweet 16th Birthday Madison!
I hope you have the best day ever!
Some fun things you may not know about Madison, when we became a family she still had a Binky and could spin it in her mouth so fast you couldn't even tell what color it was. She LOVED LOVED spinney dresses and fancy panties, so much so that she would not wear a dress if it did not spin, and I had to return several packages of panties before they passed her fancy test. She loved awfuls (waffles) and opiemeal (oatmeal) for breakfast. She loves anything that glitters or shines, loves crazy unusual outfits that I rarely think match. Madison can be very generous and giving but can't save money if her life depended on it. She is totally addicted to gum....seriously, rehab and GA (gum chewers anonymous) may be in the near future. She loves bright neon colors, hence the crazy color changes here. She can talk fast than just about anyone I have ever met. In fact, not long ago we went to an auction at my Mother's church, Scott and I decided Madison should be an auctioneer when she grows up! When she blows her nose it sounds exactly like a trumpet. She laughs all the time and can be a drama queen.
Madison....AKA...Fancypants, Maddiepants, Hovercraft, Maddie, Maditude, Sassy, Missy ( I called her Missy so much when she was little that when I referred to her as Madison people thought I was talking about another child).
Please pray blessings on her life. 16 can be a sweet can get tough too.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
December 26, 2007
Because of the blessing from Pastor Alice's secret friend we were able to go buy the kids clothes they all needed so badly. Since daddy was off today we took off for the mall. Madison had gift certificates to spend and the kids had Christmas money from Uncle Gene and Aunt Mary Jo.
We surprisingly had a really great time shopping. The only problems we had were Sam related...that is to be expected...
Sam, Amaris and Elijah decided they wanted to spend their money at build a bear. Sam made a Lion he named Leo, Amaris made a purple Hippo named Hannah, and Eliojah made a Zebra named Zachary, Zachary also is wearing leapord print boxer shorts. (Elijah is a crack up!)
When wqe returned home, Dominique (who stayed home from our little excersion) asked if he could go pick up his friend and go to the mall. When we got home the roads were, we let him...within 20 minutes the phone rang, a very shaky voice on the other end said...."MOM I have been in a very bad accident, I don't know what to do can you come please?" needless to say I was almost out the door before I hung up the phone. Thank God for Dominique's angels! They worked overtime this day for sure! His car obviously from the pictures is a total loss. But praise God no one was injured. The other driver was not injured either. Darn that ice! It forms so quickly and sometiomes is hard to see especailly at night.
On this night we also had the privelege of meeting Joy's boyfriend Dan. Once nerves were settled we had a nice visit. The kids loved him and still talk about him today! We all loved him, Joy is a very special person to us and she deserves the best in the world. He just might be the closest thing to the best! Thanks Joy for allowing my crazy family the opportunity to meet your special Dan. Everyone else, please pray for Dan as he is a soldier and lives a soldiers life, he just returned from his second tour in Iraq and serves on a special unit that could deploy anywhere in the world to assist with natural disasters. He is a great guy!
Christmas Day 2007
The day I look forward to all year. Peaceful....We always try to plan all the visiting for the days leading up to Christmas so the kids can relax and play all day. I don't think any one of them actually got dressed all day!
My mom and brother came up for lunch. Otherwise we just enjoyed the day. It is so nice to spend the time with just us, no chaos, no fighting. I Love Love Love that time!
December 24, 2007
Today was a busy day for all of us.
We had lunch at noon with Scott's family. The kids enjoyed presents and good food...
Madison's other mother and family came over at 4:00 for Madison's Christmas with them.
We had picked up pizzas from Papa Murphy's for dinner. Every year on Christmas Eve we order pizza tell the Real Christmas Story and enjoy family time.
Although it was a high stress day it ended up being better than I anticipated it would be.
Later in the evening Pastor Alice from down the road stopped by with a Christmas blessing. We have no idea who blessed us....whoever you are, thank you from the bottom of our hearts we are truly blessed and one day will back in the place of giving too.
I also forgot to mention, on the 18th, I helped out with Santas workshop at the school. On my way in the building I dropped off a plate full of cookies the kids and I had made for the teachers. When one of the teachers asked me to take a walk....I followed her to her classroom, she presented me with a beatifully wrapped gift. Thanks were given and I placed it in my purse until later. When I got home I placed it under the tree until Scott got home. We opened it together. What a surprise! Our teachers are amazing people and we love them all very much, not because of the gift we rtecieved but because of all the love they pour into our children every day. I would never want my children to go to any other school! Thank you Runnells teachers, thank you!
Having children with special needs can be very stressful. Emotionally draining and financially exhausting. Knowing that we are loved and cared for by our teachers and community makes all the difference in the world! Words could never express the gratitude that fills our hearts!
We had lunch at noon with Scott's family. The kids enjoyed presents and good food...
Madison's other mother and family came over at 4:00 for Madison's Christmas with them.
We had picked up pizzas from Papa Murphy's for dinner. Every year on Christmas Eve we order pizza tell the Real Christmas Story and enjoy family time.
Although it was a high stress day it ended up being better than I anticipated it would be.
Later in the evening Pastor Alice from down the road stopped by with a Christmas blessing. We have no idea who blessed us....whoever you are, thank you from the bottom of our hearts we are truly blessed and one day will back in the place of giving too.
I also forgot to mention, on the 18th, I helped out with Santas workshop at the school. On my way in the building I dropped off a plate full of cookies the kids and I had made for the teachers. When one of the teachers asked me to take a walk....I followed her to her classroom, she presented me with a beatifully wrapped gift. Thanks were given and I placed it in my purse until later. When I got home I placed it under the tree until Scott got home. We opened it together. What a surprise! Our teachers are amazing people and we love them all very much, not because of the gift we rtecieved but because of all the love they pour into our children every day. I would never want my children to go to any other school! Thank you Runnells teachers, thank you!
Having children with special needs can be very stressful. Emotionally draining and financially exhausting. Knowing that we are loved and cared for by our teachers and community makes all the difference in the world! Words could never express the gratitude that fills our hearts!
December 22, 2007

I was blessed today!
My good friend Sandy had free tickets to see the Rockettes at the Civic Center and invited me to go with her! I got to meet her friend Lynn, who actually got the tickets. It was fun getting to know Lynn and having a night out without kids too.
We had such a great time. Thank you to Scott for letting me go, I had so much fun! The show was amazing. We went out to Spaghetti Works for dinner after the show, thanks Sandy for dinner that was nice of you to pay for all our meals. The weather was bad so Sandy drove out to our house to pick me up in their 4 wheel drive, and after dinner her husband Bob and son Brandon drove me safely home. Good thing because Bob told Scott he would make me push if we got stuck! (very funny, Bob, very funny!)
December 19, 2007
December 17, 2007
I had the honor and privelege of being able to go on the season of sharing trip with the 3rd and 6th grade classes from school, even though none of my children are in those grades. Every year our school spends an entire month fund raising for the season of sharing, then they adopt a family and when all the funds are counted and tallied up, the 3rd and 6th graders go shopping at the local Target. It is an amazing experience. When Isaiah was in 3rd grade, he was still using his walker and not able to walk independantly yet, but we went and had a blast shopping for a family who otherwise would have no Christmas. When I found out they were short on chaperones for this years trip and might not be able to go. I volunteered and was very excited when the commitee said I could go.
The group of girls I had were very good little shoppers. We were given an envelope with $100 and a list of clothing items our family member needed. I had 3 sixth grade girls and 2 third grade girls in my group. The older girls kept close track of our money and the younger girls, being the same age as our child helped with picking out the perfect items. We shopped for an 8 year old girl. Our goal was to get as close to the 100 dollar total as possible without going over or having change left over. My girls total was $100.25 I snuck a quarter in without them knowing and they were so excited to think they came out even!
After shopping we went to Godfathers pizza for lunch. What a wonderful day!
I went home after we unloaded all the gifts at school. The 6th graders spent the rest of the day wrapping the gifts.
I was so thankful Dominique was able to babysit for me so I could go. Thanks Dominique! You are the best!
The group of girls I had were very good little shoppers. We were given an envelope with $100 and a list of clothing items our family member needed. I had 3 sixth grade girls and 2 third grade girls in my group. The older girls kept close track of our money and the younger girls, being the same age as our child helped with picking out the perfect items. We shopped for an 8 year old girl. Our goal was to get as close to the 100 dollar total as possible without going over or having change left over. My girls total was $100.25 I snuck a quarter in without them knowing and they were so excited to think they came out even!
After shopping we went to Godfathers pizza for lunch. What a wonderful day!
I went home after we unloaded all the gifts at school. The 6th graders spent the rest of the day wrapping the gifts.
I was so thankful Dominique was able to babysit for me so I could go. Thanks Dominique! You are the best!
December 16, 2007
Sunday afternoon the kids had a ginger bread house building contest....of course everyone was a winner! We had fun making Daddy guess who built which house! Sam quit before he really got started, I wish I could have gotten a picture. With his sensory issues, he HATED how the frosting and decorations felt in his hands. He opted for a nap instead. Dominique also bowed out of the event for his usual Sunday afternoon nap.
It has been a long time...
We have had a very full Christmas break. We have run the full gammit of emoptions and are desperately trying to balance out to some sort of normal.
I will try to go back and work forward to fill you all in. So, grab a hot cup of coffee find a cozy blanket to wrap around your shoulders because it is bitterly cold outside....catch up with my wont believe what you read. I could make millions in the mini series drama for the Sunday night movies....(ha ha)
I will try to go back and work forward to fill you all in. So, grab a hot cup of coffee find a cozy blanket to wrap around your shoulders because it is bitterly cold outside....catch up with my wont believe what you read. I could make millions in the mini series drama for the Sunday night movies....(ha ha)
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