Wednesday, August 21, 2013

First Day traditions!

One of our first day traditions (the kids HATE this one) I take their picture Right after I wake them up singing the happy first day song! Lij wakes up very early gets all ready then falls asleep on the couch while he waits for his breakfast so he kind of cheats. :)

Good Morning Amaris!

Nice morning stretch Sam!
Burrito woke up WAY early I did not even come close to the chance of waking him up Silly Boy!
this tradition is a favorite since Dominique went to kindergarten!
The kids get to pick whatever they want for breakfast. anything. no rules.
Lij: toast and a chocolate milkshake to begin 8th grade

Amaris: a homemade egg mcmuffin and chocolate milkshake to begin 7th grade.

Samuel: Cheese Pizza and Strawberry milkshake WITH sprinkles to begin 5th grade.

Burrito: cookie cereal, crunch and much, a go-gurt and hot chocolate to begin Kindergarten.
I must add here that Dominique is very disappointed that these guys do not take full advantage of the NO RULES part of this tradition, its not quite as fun preparing normal food for this breakfast. So I have to agree with Dominique on this one!

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