How did this happen????
Where has this school year gone? I swear last week I was planning first day of school breakfast first day outfits buying new supplies and handing out shiny new back packs filled to overflowing with everything a child would need and more to have a successful year in school. All of a sudden I look at my calendar and realize that it is JUNE and tomorrow is the last day of school. Last night while I was laying on the couch in the dark (because we had lost power again) My mind wandered over the year and these last few weeks. It has been a year of growth, achievement, an some pain.
Burrito is completing his final year of preschool and making the big move to Kindergarten. Nervous about that move. The preschool has not done right by Burrito and has decided to remove all of his supports. This blog is NOT going to be about my battle with the teacher and her little army. sigh.... This Momma will put her big girl pants on and do what needs to be done.
SamIAm has made huge strides in progress this year. Participating in TAG and special projects connected with that program has done WONDERS for his confidence level! I am so proud of him. He has had his fair share of struggles this year but the progress he has made is astounding! On to 5th grade for him. Top dogs in the building HA!
Amaris has finally gotten her act together this last quarter of the year and achieved a strong finish. WHEW what a year she has had. One I wish to NEVER repeat ever again!! I would be lying if I said I was not more than a little worried about her transition into junior high next year.
Sassy Pants.....we have hit a road bump in our journey to make her a permanent part of our family. Please pray for her heart, for her healing for our family as we continue to love her through the hard stuff and show her that not everyone who says they love her will hurt her. This too, is another blog for another day.
Elijah has done remarkably well in school. Making the honor roll the whole year. He was invited to play in the jazz band and LOVED the experience!! What a difference a year makes. Last year at this time was so scary for him and for us as we tried to figure out his seizures. This year with the proper medications on board he is truly a new guy! On to 8th grade for him!
Isaiah has successfully completed his 10th grade year. What an amazing human being he has become. I have so many wishes with this boy. I wish his life could have been different. But then I realize he would not be the amazing person he is today had his life been easy. I am so proud of all he has accomplished and overcome! I can't wait to see the next 2 years as they mold him into a man. Thank you God for allowing me to be his Momma! What a blessing!
As I reflect on all the accomplishments milestones heartaches and tears of the year I realize it has flown by so quickly I have missed so much!
Now the bad momma guilt sets in and I realize I was totally unprepared for the end of the year festivities. I missed special moments and failed to honor a couple of very special people who have loved and protected my children over the years. Our bus driver Keith had his last day Friday and I missed it. I had every good intention of honoring this special man before he left. He drove Dominique, Madison, Isaiah, Elijah, Amaris Sassy and Sam....he stood up for my children in tough times encouraged them in sad times and had rejoiced and cheered for all their successes. He will be missed!
I feel awful that I have not been able to attend any special events. what a lame momma.... You cant even say there is always next year. because it doesn't really matter. these milestones happen once. There is only 1 chance to make a memory then it passes you by and the window closes. this year will go into the memory banks of my children as the year momma forgot....everything.
Lord, please bless our summer together with a closeness we have never felt before.
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