Saturday, July 28, 2012

As I was driving through the country side the other day, normally I enjoy the scenery. What I was noticing was the effects of the drought we are experiencing here in the midwest. All the lush green was replaced by brittle brown, then I noticed something else. scattered among the brittel brown were splashes of bright green. I realized the bright green were patches of weeds. Funny how weeds thrive and survive even in a terrible drought.
I got to thinking about the weeds and life. Sin, like the weeds, thrive and survive on little or no food. lies, gossip, hatred, etc.
It takes time and work to grow in the Lord. We have to feed our souls with the word, water our spirit with a healthy prayer life. If we fail to do so, our faith will wither and dry like the brittle brown that surrounds us in the midwest. and the weeds or sin grows, and spreads.

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