Sunday, September 25, 2011


or shall I say little mr. baseball??
Elijah LOVES baseball. He played on a tournament team for the first time this past spring/summer and LOVED it! He then went straight into his first season ever of fall ball and has fallen in love all over again. Honestly I believe this kid could play baseball every day of the year all year long and never get tired of playing. I have enjoyed watching him grow as an athlete and a sportsman. He always has a great attitude on the field no matter the score. He has grown so much this past few months. Batting has improved tremendously and he has been open to playing whatever position coach sends him to.
He is still playing trumpet, we have put piano on hold until after baseball. Elijah is a natural musician. Ever since he was a tiny baby he has had a beat playing inside of him.
We just received progress reports from school, he has all A's except Social Studies where he has a B+ I am so proud of how well he has adjusted to the new school.
I have noticed he is more emotional lately and gets tired very easily. But he gets up at 6 every morning and has very full busy days!
Elijah is an amazingly good helper with Baby J. He is the first person Lij wants to see in the morning and the first person he wants to see after school.

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