Tuesday, March 22, 2011

the new Me

HA! HA! HA! HA! First let me start by saying I HATE being photographed! There are only 1 or 2 photos of me as an adult that I actually like so this is crazy that I have taken my own photo and posted it times 3!!
There are a couple reasons why I have decided to post this today. 1. I am trying to make a better effort of taking care of myself, putting time into actually looking like a girl. In hopes that I will feel better. 2. I wanted my friends and family from far away to see how I look 10 days post shave day. I am getting used to the look. It was such a surreal experience. I am not sure I will ever find the words to describe what I have felt through out this experience. I have learned that hats give me a headache and I am not good at tying scarves around bald heads so I have been sporting the bald look. I do however, check with the kids whenever we go somewhere to be sure they are ok with me going bareheaded.
So there you have it....the new me. YIKES!


Lori Eilers said...

Love it! You're amazing!!

Truders said...

And, I love it!! Your awesome!!

Angela said...

thanks you guys!! Your love and support means more to me than you know!!