Tuesday, September 29, 2009

whats been up....

Last week was kind of a crazy week. So much happening all at the same time. Its not always bad to be that busy but sometimes its nice to just have nothing to do but enjoy being home. I would say maybe half the craziness was in the form of phone calls.
So much has been happening I am not even sure I can remember all the way back to the last post day.
We had an amazing Foster Parents Night Out. I am learning to be more flexible and understanding with those I must work with. It is frustrating to be dependent upon volunteers in order to keep our ratio of child to adult in a good way. I am working on ideas to build my volunteer pool. Admittedly, I am becoming more and more picky about whom I allow to help. I can handle a lot of things and can be flexible in a lot of areas. But the one that makes me crazy is when I am counting on help and plan the number of children, the activities and food and then just a few hours before the children are scheduled to arrive I get calls informing me that my volunteers are very sorry but something else has come up and they have other plans. It is one thing if an emergency arises or someone gets sick. But seriously.....when someone commits to helping I really need to know I can count on them being there. It is just never a good situation to have 30 children and then end up with only 4 or 5 adults to help. I am so thankful for my faithful few that arrive every month without fail! These kids are worth our time and deserve our best! This month we rented the gym at the Orange Planet in Pleasant Hill. Could not have been a more perfect month to do that! With lower than I like # of volunteers it was great fun to have an entire double size gym for all of us to play and hang out together! I am planning a volunteer information meeting for Thursday Oct. 8. Am so excited to see how many turn out!
That weekend was our Runnells Razzle Dazzle Days. The town was buzzing with tons of fun and activities. Beginning with a parade and ending with fireworks we had a lot of fun! Amaris and I missed the parade and morning activities in order to go celebrate the upcoming arrival of my cousin Paula nd his wife Heidis first child. I love baby showers! Such miracles they are.
Sickness entered the house AGAIN ack! and I am happy to report has left. WHEW!
Meetings and appointments. Phone calls, drama and craziness...what else is new?
Dominique called and informed me he has decided to transfer to DMACC and instead of visiting for Christmas he is moving back to Iowa. Long story~ I just decided it is way easier to listen and support than it is to negotiate...He is a good kid and I trust he is making the right decision for himself.
I was planning on doing a Madison update but have changed my mind...later.
Friday we finally moved Mother back to her house. What a journey of healing she has had! Her injuries happened on July 20 she has been on the mend ever since. I am sure it feels good to her to be back in the quiet of her home. She still hasn't been cleared to go back to work but life is much batter for her now!
We did respite for an amazing kid this past weekend~we went apple picking came home and had a BBQ.
Church on Sunday. The usual Monday chores and making applesauce and crisp yesterday. Conferences for the elementary kids tonight!
All in all life is busy but good!
I will post Apple orchard photos in a different post. We had tons of fun with our friends the Fernandez family!

1 comment:

Andy and Chelsea Reed said...

Your post reminded me of Fall...