Thursday, September 10, 2009

Happy 13 Isaiah!

WOW! Today is a sad day for me. I can not believe Isaiah is 13 today. There is just something about that number that makes me sad. He is not a child anymore, no longer my little boy. Today he is a teenager. I am blessed though.
13 things I love about Isaiah!
1. He is a living walking miracle, and this past year he came to realize and understand exactly what God has done for him. What a precsious moment that was!
2. Isaiah is very creative.
3. Isaiah can build anything with Legos. I look at those crazy instructions and am lucky to fit the first 2 pieces together correctly!
4. He has a compassionate heart.
5. He is an amazing big brother.
6. He has a great sense of humor. He makes me laugh daily!
7. He loves to play jokes on people and 'set traps'.
8. When something tickles him, his laugh comes form his toes. I love to hear him laugh!
9. Isaiah completely enjoys life. He rarely ever complains about anything.
10. Isaiah loves people with his whole heart. No reservation.  If you are his friend you have a friend for life.
11. Isaiah loves chocolate more than any person I have ever met! It is crazy how much he loves chocolate.
12. Isaiah is one of the bravest people I have ever had the honor to know. The tests and things he goes through at the hospital and doctors would break most people. 
13. He is my hero!

Isaiah, you bless my world ans swell my heart daily! I love you so much and I am so very proud of you. I hope you have the best birthday ever!!
Happy happy happy birthday!!!
Love mom!


Truders said...

Happy Birthday Buddy!! You hold a special place in Pastor Kevin's and my heart!!

Lori Eilers said...

He truly is a great kid! Happy belated birthday!