Friday, July 3, 2009

facebook and friends

Funny. I have had this love/hate thing going on with facebook these past few months. I think I have decided. I love it. No really. I love it!
The things that made me hate it are things I can manage. For example. I hate gossipy junk. I just ignore those posts and go on. I hate when people use fowl language, I can delete their potty mouths. Do you see? Manageable.
But the reasons I love it?
Networking is great...Dropz of Hope is growing so fast in part...a small part but still a part to contacts I have on facebook. Yeah for networking!
Family...I have siblings cousins aunts uncles family all over the world. Communication used to happen on holidays weddings and funerals. Now I talk to them all the time we encourage each other and share photos. I love that!
Friends. new friends and present friends we have things in common now in the present of our lives. Our children are growing up together, we go to church or PTA together. Its fun to encourage each other.
Emergencies...Holy cow. I cant think of a faster way to get the word out to people about an emergency than to post it on facebook. People quickly respond and rally together in prayer and support. way faster than the phone that is for sure.
My son is my friend on facebook and when he is Baltimore at school its nice to see what is going on with him so far away from home.
Old friends. sigh. probly one of my favorite things about facebook. Along the road of my life I moved around a lot. Making friends was not always easy for me. But when I made friends we were tight. I moved away from California my junior year of highschool. leaving all my friends behind. It sure has been fun to look them on facebook and if found, see their beautiful families and know they have been blessed!
Then I lived in NJ. I spent much of my senior year sick and in the hospital so I lost touch with many of those friends even before graduation. I was so sick and missed so much school I would of had to repeat my senior year in order to graduate so I opted for the GED and went straight to college instead. Reunions are not something I get invited to so facebook has become my reunion place.
So I have come to the realization that I don't care if some people use facebook to gossip and some have potty mouths...those things I can ignore.
I feel very blessed to have the ability to reach out through space and stay connected to all the special people who along one part of my journey or another have helped to mold me into the person I am today.

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