Saturday, March 1, 2008

Some days it is a struggle to be a woman

Some days it is a struggle to be a woman....I am a woman with many titles....wife, mother, teacher, friend, homemaker, confidante, counselor, researcher, goes on and on....
With each title comes its own set of triumphs and struggles. I know we are our own worst critics. But it seems that I never seem to meet with my own expectations of who I am supposed to be. One of my biggest struggles right now is my body image.
Some days I am OK with my size and shape. Then there are days I just wonder. What in the world is happening to me???? I know age has something to do with it. Why is some women carry the extra poundage beautifully and others, such as myself....not so much!
Some women my size are considered to be fat, obese, overweight, large, etc.
Then there are those that are considered to be curvaceous, even sexy. (not a word I would ever use to describe myself!) It is so difficult, I am not excusing my inactivity really. I just need to find a way to squeeze a few extra hours into my day (without children occupying those hours) then I could exercise. This stinking winter has totally ruined my walking routine. I have to be honest with you, treadmill walking is definitely NOT the same. I hate treadmill walking it is torture for me, but I could walk 6 miles easily outdoors. Now that is crazy.
So, I guess without the aide of some sort of medication that would miraculously melt away these fluffy spots that continue to grow all over my body.....I am doomed to be the definition of the first example....FAT
I really admire people like Queen Latifa who look absolutely beautiful no matter what size they are!

1 comment:

Truders said...

Angela, God doesn't see you that way nor do I!! I have struggled with this many times and I had to realize that I have to be content with who I am inside and out. Sure we can do things to help us decrease in size but ultimately God wants us to be happy both inside and out. I will pray for you this week. I don't like to hear my Iowa buddy so down. I love ya!!