Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Eggs, candy, baskets, jellybeans, hunts, fancy dresses and new ties, ham, family time. All these things are what come to mind for most people when they think of Easter.
When I think of Easter....I think of how blessed I am to have had someone love me enough to tell me about God my Father who sent us his Son. I know you are thinking I must have lost my mind that is Christmas. The very idea that Jesus came to earth to carry my burdens and my joys so that I would not have to bare them is a powerful reality. I don't have to carry the worries and pain of the world I live in, I take it to the cross and lay it at the foot of the cross and Jesus gently picks it up, ALL of it and places it on His shoulders. BECAUSE HE LOVES ME! Even after all this time, I am in awe of the reality of that kind of love.
My story begins there. On Easter Sunday morning at the 5:00 a.m. sunrise service in 1990 a very special lady who loves me so much and loved my son before he was born led me to the Lord. If I close my eyes I can remember every detail of that day. How the rays of the rising sun filtered gently and then burst through the cloud covered early morning sky. How I felt like God himself were reaching out through those clouds to welcome me into His family.
There have been a handful of those moments in my life when I could actually feel the hand of God guiding me through. I am so very thankful I have Him to go to in times of Joy and in times of trouble. He takes all the weights of this crazy world off my heart and allows me to have peace.
Easter time is a special time for me. I hope it is as special for you.

1 comment:

Lori Eilers said...

That's beautiful Angela.