Thursday, March 6, 2008

cough cough sniffle sniffle ACHOO

By the title I am sure you have guessed someone in the house is sick.
Poor guy, when he gets sick it hits really hard. I should have known on Tuesday when he was EXTREMELY GROUCHY which for those of you who know him know that is TOTALLY out of character for him. That should have been clue #1. But since I am the 'best mom in the world' instead of knowing he was getting sick, I gave him consequences for his attitude and that made him cry and on went our day. What I should have done is put all school books away and give him the day off. But NOOOOOO I pushed and pushed and now he hasn't gotten out of bed since Tuesday afternoon. What a pitiful sight it is, Isaiah propped up on pillows, Kleenex box by his side, garbage can right next to the bed for used tissues, triple antibiotic cream for his very red and sore nose, a can of very warm and I am sure flat Sierra Mist on the table, and remote in his hand. Funny thing, he is always well enough to at least watch the detective shows he likes or the history channel. Funny kid he is!
But you know he is sick when he doesn't even want his Legos.....
Please pray for him, it is funny because we have noticed some neurological changes in him, but in talking with the docs, they are still OK with waiting. Do they ask if I am OK? NOPE. so, we watch and wait, and most of all we pray!!!! Thank you all for loving my boy and praying for him and his miracle. It will come, I know it will!

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