Thursday, June 26, 2008

Rear view mirrors

Rear view mirrors are meant for viewing things behind you when driving a vehicle. It is funny how some objects become metaphors for life. We all have rear view mirrors in our lives, some views are fantastic, some are beautiful, comforting loving views. Others are painful, regretful and the whole 'what if' game begins to play in your head.

No matter what you may be seeing in your rear view mirror the important thing to try and remember is that it is what it is, you can't go back in time and change things for the better. You can't go back and erase the pain, you can't go back and relive the wonderful. You can use the rear view mirror of life to strengthen your character and make you into a new creation. Be a better you than you were when the rear view was the front view. Embrace the view from all directions. Use it to learn stretch and grow you into a better, more loving person than you were before you looked into the mirror. If you can't be strong enough to grow from the view then maybe you should quit looking in the mirrors of your life.

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