Monday, August 23, 2010

First Day of School 2010

Today was the first day of school for Elijah Amaris and Samuel (also Brad whom I have in daycare). Holding true to our family tradition I let all the kids chose anything they want for breakfast. No rules other than it has to be within reason $$ wise. Brad and his brother Brayden got in on the action this year. chosing sausage sandwich and milk shakes. Brayden decided he does not like that kind of sandwich. :0( Elijah chose a homemade egg McMuffin and a chocolate shake. Amaris chose PBJ waffle bacon and a shake. Same chose cinnamon toast apples bacon and a shake. They each got to wear the special outfit we bought for the fisrt day of school. Put on their new back packs and anxiously waited for the bus. I am absolutely sure that today will be the only day this entire school year that I will be able to get 8 children ready for school and out the door early!! Brayden will start Kindergarten tomorrow. Burrito will be starting preschool on September 7. Isaiah will start Heritage Christian Academy Sept. 9. Today, I decided to take Isaaih Brayden and Burrito to McDonalds for lunch and to play. The boys had a good time. I wanted to go to the park but they chose the play area instead.  I can't wait for the monsters to hop off the bus so I can hear all about their fabulous days!!

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