Wednesday, February 4, 2009

randomness that is my life ;0)

So many things have been happening lately. I have been spending a lot of time trying to launch Dropz Of Hope. I am so excited to report that my blog and new email for Dropz is up and running. If you want to see what the project is all about please visit the dropz blog and if you know anyone who would benefit from the mission of my project please send them to the blog as well. is my email address for the project.
I could not have done it with out the bloggery expertise of my good friend THANK YOU Trudy!!! luv ya!
I am pleased to report that the eldest of the monsters is happy and adjusting well to life in Maryland. He is super excited Joslyn is taking him to Comicon in NYC this weekend. Lucky Duck is he, I know! I know he must be missing me just a little cuz he asked for cookies ;0) a sure sign that he misses his mama (just a tiny bit). He is trying to get accustomed to a new college campus and being a commuter campus there are fewer opportunities to meet people and make friends. Otherwise he is great! And I. miss. him.
Madison has been struggling...struggling....hhmmm....not sure that is even the word I'd choose to use but for lack of a better word, struggling. We seem to be at a cross road with her and now after all the hard work and determination on our seems we are at a place where the choices are hers and we wait....pick up the pieces and try to find a way to move forward. tough stuff. so. please. pray. for her. and for us. decisions need to be made and noone is quite sure which direction to go.
We have been battling colds and such in the house off and on for a couple weeks now. But I am counting my snotty blessings it could be way worse. I'll take a cough an achooo and a fever any day over what others are dealing with! hand sanitizer and lysol are cloe personal friends of mine! ;0)
My sweet little niece Kenadee is in the PICU as I type with menengitis, still unclear if it is viral or bacterial. non-the-less she is sick little girl and I am PRAYING! Nothing worse in the world than having a sick child and not beiong able to do anything but. wait. and pray. PRAY!
I have a CASA hearing this afternoon.
The Burrito has double ear infection and is happily sitting inside his toy box right now...oh glory to the creator of Ibuprofen! If my camera werent so DUMB I'd take a pix of his adorable little self rosey cheeks and all siting in the midst of all his favorite toys. He is so stinkin' cute right now I could eat him up. But shall refrain from munching until he is germ free. ;0)
The rest of the monster?? are grudginly preparing for the great room exchange. we are nearing thedate of the great rotation and they are all up in arms but will bounce back I am sure of it. We cant all have what we want all of the time now can we? besides if I let them have what they want then I would no longer be the meanest mom in the world. I kind of like my title and have grown attached to it over the years.
And on that note....I will remind you to please check out Dropz of Hope new blog and let me know what you think!
love to all!

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