Friday, December 14, 2007

week in review

Monday while Isaiah was in art up at the school I was able to help Mrs. Steenhoek by working in the new book room. What an amazing resource this room will be when the project is complete. It was fun for me to be able to help her out even for just an hour.
Dominique finished his last final exam at Grand View this afternoon. He is happy and relieved to get a break for a while. The hunt for a job is heating up now!
Tuesday we had our ice storm and were iced/snowed in. It was a bummer Scott had to go in to work and fight the weather to get home. But he made it through and all of us were amazed to see the ice covered trees and hear the crashing of limbs falling from our trees. Bummer no.2 Dominique lost out on an interview with UPS because he couldn't drive to the interview in the ice. They would not reschedule. :(
Wednesday brought our weekly trip into town to see Sara. This week was supposed to be Isaiah's turn because Madison took his turn last week, but Madison has had a rather difficult time lately so he was kind enough to give up his place. He made Sara a lovely Christmas card with a sweet message inside. He and Dominique had a Star Wars marathon all day. That was fun for them. I love it when my kids choose to bond...
Wednesday evening we had church and about 15 minutes before church was to let out for the night, we lost all power. Oh my goodness! That place sure does get dark! We have a lot of great people who work with our youth and kids. I think out of all the people who were in church that night we only had a couple kids in tears and they were quickly consoled. (One of those was my Elijah) :( he hates the dark! We were able to return all the children safely to their parents and actually got home earlier than we usually do. Now that was nice!
Thursday, Isaiah had guidance at the school and again I was able to help out in the book room. I really have enjoyed the time I have had to give to the teachers. Elijah really likes me helping out in his class. Amaris would rather hug me quick and push me out the door. Aren't kids funny? So different!
Thursday night brought PTA. I really like our new Principal. He is a very nice guy and seems to stay on the ball and is always right on top of everything!We have a lot of things coming up in the next couple months that will be a ton of fun to participate in. The bummer for me is that a lot of the activities outside of regular school hours are not activities that Isaiah can do. Then we have to decide do we take everyone and make him watch, do we all stay home and not let anyone go and have fun or do we split up and some go and some do something else? I don't really know. Scott never likes to split up, he just isn't one of those guys that will just take off and do things on his own.
Monday I will be up at the school helping out with Santa's workshop. A little store where the kids can buy a gift for someone. PTA is providing every kid in the school with 2$ to spend at the shop. FUN!
Today has been a very sad day for me. There has been a lot going on around here. I have been stressed out and I guess today was just one of those days that pushed me a little closer to the edge. Pray for me.
Elijah is very excited he gets to go to his buddy Christian's house over night tonight. He loves going over there. They are very good buddies and have tons of fun together. I love to see him excited about things like that.
Madison and Scott went shopping, not my favorite activity. Dominique of course is at Alex's house because DUH! it IS Friday and he never stays home on Friday's! He has been a great help this week for me While I have helped at school and run around town.
Sam, Amaris, Isaiah and I are home where it is warm and I was hoping for a fun Christmas show to come on TV. No such luck. Bummer!
That is about all for now.
Hope you all had a great week and will have a warm and cozy weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, I had a storm too and this is either the 2nd or 3d biggest in the history of michigan i think. My dogs love it and its so hard to get them in!!!