Saturday, August 25, 2012

new school adventures 2012-2013

The school year has begun with out any issues! YIPPEE!!
The kids first official day was August 20.
We did all our usual traditional things. Well, almost all of them.
Every year on the night before the first day of school we order pizza and watcdh a movie together as a family. This year that day fell on a Sunday and the older 3 kids had the first TBQ practice. So we compromised we went to church TBQ then ordered pizza after church no time for movie but we did get to spend some time together as a family preparing our hearts and minds for a new school year.
 the next tradition we carried on again this year was the famous "anything you want to eat for breakfast on the first day of school.

Amaris on her 1st day of 6th grade!
Elijah 1st day of 7th grade!

Samuel 1st day of 4th grade.
And we never forget their little after school care package wishing them an EXCELLENT new year!!


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