Tuesday, April 28, 2009

baseball, a shower, fevers and strep

I seem to have been swallowed by the busyness of life.
Last week was a blur of shopping trips with Aunt Cindi preparing for Joy's bridal shower. Friday I went shopping with Aunt Cindi and joy for wedding stuff, we had so much fun! It was nice to get out of the house and LAUGH!!!
Saturday Elijah had 2 tournament baseball games, I had been praying all week for rain so he would not play. I hate missing his ball games! But when Aunt Cindi and I planned Joy's shower there were no ball games scheduled...well, my prayers were answered just not in the way I intended. It was cold and raining all day BUT Elijah played ball anyway! UGH! Poor boys out there nearly froze their hands off.
Last week I took Lij to the eye doctor and found out that he needed glasses. Wonder how I missed that one??? The doctor put the eye chart up and said 'read me the smallest line you can see.' Lij's response....'yeah, well about that....um, I can't read any of it...' WOW! So $175 later we were on our way. Saturday after his tournaments Scott took him to get his glasses. He looks very handsome in them and keeps saying how much clearer things look and everything is bright too! funny boy!
Joy's shower went well. I baked sugar cookies. Aunt Cindi and Heidi made salads and we halved the cost of Jimmy Johns sandwiches. Joy had a nice time. That is all that matters!
Sunday after church Lij took a nap. When he woke up he had a fever 103.8 GREAT! Clinic was closed for the day and we had to wait.
Monday morning I rescheduled the kids dentist appointments and took Lij into the doctor. Strep. Whew! not swine flu...Just kidding!
The miracle of good antibiotics! He woke this morning a new boy. Fever free and singing!! Off to school he went.
Looking at my calendar the month of May is not going to be any easier than April has been.
So much to do.
Next week I take Isaiah up to Minnesota for his testing and doctors visits. We will discuss having surgery this summer or waiting. As usual, I have many mixed emotions about this decision. Part of me wants to just get it done so we can move on and part of me never wants it to have to happen at all. God has brought him so far and I believe He will bring Isaiah all the way. What ever God decides I know He will provide for all of our needs as we take this journey...
That is about all I have to update for now...Thanks to everyone for their continued prayers for my family!

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