As 2013 came to a close my heart was heavy with the knowledge that Burrito and Spuds were about to have a birth sibling soon. I had no way of knowing for sure when, but had an idea. I predicted the due date would be Christmas Eve. On December 22 I was alerted that a baby boy had been born and was in the hospital preparing for discharge. Fear filled me as I prayed that this innocent child would be protected by someone. Anyone.
All I could do was pray through the next several hours.
Monday morning December 23 as I drove in to work I received a call from a worker who explained the circumstance of this baby's birth and current situation. The question came "are you willing to take this baby so he can be with his biological brothers?" and for the second time in 13 years of doing this foster/adopt thing I broke the ONE rule. never say yes with out first discussing it with Scott. I said yes. Of course. We agreed that as details came from the hospital to the worker we would make a plan.
Later that same afternoon I received another call asking f I could meet at the hospital at 430. Our Christmas miracle was ready for discharge and My prayers had been answered.
The medical staff was kind and compassionate. I could tell they had all fallen in love with him during his brief stay. I shared photos of the boys so they could see how very different all 3 of them are. We went through the education, business, paperwork and finally were on our way.
He is a tiny little peanut I lovingly call Mr. Jingles since he arrived in our home just hours before Christmas Eve.
We will walk out this journey believing God has a purpose and a plan.
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