Monday, April 30, 2012


I have been thinking a lot lately about words. words that float about in my mind for me to write or speak. I have done a little research about words.
The number of words in the English language is estimated by the Global Language Monitor as of January 1, 2012 is aprox. 1,013,913. It is estimated that a new word is created every 98 minutes, or about 14.7 new words per day.
The average Highschool graduate has a functioning vocabulary of about 45,000 words.
The average college graduate has an aprox. 60,000 active word vocabulary.
The more educated and the more well read the person the higher the word count.
According to Dr. Louann Brizendine of UCSF women use on average 20,000 words per day while men use aprox 7,000. ( I am in trouble! I am a bit higher than average as I have a lot to say a lot of the time and Scott has little to say much of the time. His daily amount is usually depleated before he arrives home at the end of the day. Which leaves us in a pickle. I have so much to talk about and he is all talked out.)
It is estimated that the average person will speak enough words in 1 week to fill a 500 page book.
As I poured over the various charts and studies I got to thinking about the impact of my words.
I am ashamed to admit that over the course of my life time I have been guilty of speaking words that should have never been uttered in my own mind much less out loud. Flashing through my mind were the faces of people I have hurt with my words. It was as if I was reliving each situation all over again. As far back as early childhood. People flashed before me. Words from my past echoed in my mind. I felt the sting of my own words as if someone was speaking them to me. I felt shame, sorrow, regret.
I have heard it takes 10 positive words to counteract every 1 negative word spoken to another person. I felt the weight of that quote land heavy on my heart.
In my children, with my spouse, friends, family and every place in my life I want to use my 20,000 daily words to uplift, encourage, love, and bring joy.  not to cause pain, anger, hurt or frustration. Choosing my words should be a matter of careful thoughtfullness and choosing to speak them should be controlled with a tremndous amount of discipline.
I will pay closer attention to the words in my mind before allowing them to flow out of my mouth. It really begins with taking my thoughts captive. That my friend is a more difficult task than it would seem.

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