Sunday, December 4, 2011

sick babies little sleep and a merry christmas

Baby G has been sick. Poor little peanut! First it was troubles feeding gagging choking projectile spitting. next we went for a well baby check up and ended up speding an entire (10 hours) day in the hospital for what turned out to be no reason at all. then we continued with feeding issues that landed us in the urgent care clinic to find he has thrush. As I sat in the waiting room of the clinic I kept thinking how awful it is to sit in an urgent care waiting room. I looked about and saw at least 15 very ill people and kept thinking this poor little peanut is being exposed to all this crud....then within 3 days it started. a terrible cough that scared me so much I took him back to the clinic. seriously got no good answers. As the last few days have unfolded, he has gotten worse, coughing, toxic green snot cranky as can be not sleeping at night crying all the time. Yet none, not oneof the symptoms the clinic doc told me to look for has shown itself so we sit, we rock, we suction, we pray and we DO NOT SLEEP....poor little peanut. Dec. 3 turned 1 month old and he is sick.
Baby J has managed to realatively healthy. He has had a cold but nothing to be worried about. WHEW!!
We were blessed this week with a freshly cut Christmas tree. I am SO excited. currently it is laying in the middle of my living room floor because it is too big for the stand I have.....but it smells heavenly! so big and full and beautiful! We were Blessed by dear friends last year with a lovely prelit tree which sadly was in the Christmas closet when we had our flood this past summer. 2 floods, 2 years in a row, 2 Christmas trees lost. I am kind of excited to try some new traditions this year....

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