Tuesday, February 22, 2011

compassionate heart

I think some people are born with their hearts filled to the top with compassion already. I believe Dominique was born that way.
This morning I was driving under the overpass downtown I was driving in complete silence, one of my favorite things about having to drive into town every day is the silent ride home. No chatter, no fighting, no loud music just the sound fo the tires rolling down the road. I was looking out the window when suddenly I was flooded by a memory and taken back in time to a day when it was just Dominique and I driving that same road he was 8 years old. As we drove along he stared out the window as was his usual car routine. When we were stopped in traffic he was looking up under the overpass and for the first time in his young life he noticed a homeless man tucked way up at the top where the overhang meets the underside. It was cold out that afternoon. Dominique asked me what seemed like a million questions about that man who was sleeping under the overpass. I am quite sure my answers were inadequate. soon we were riding in silence once again. I thought he was just consumed with his imaginary cloud game or liscense plate search he always played.
We arrived home. I busied myself with whatever chores I had to do when I heard Dominique banging around in his room and down the hall. Finally I went to see what all the noise was about. My little boy had push his twin sixed mattress off his bed and shoved it out of his room down the hall and wedged it up against the front door. Sitting next to the mattress on the floor was his sleeping bag and pillow.
I remember squatting down next to him and asking what he was doing. He looked at me square in the eyes and in a very determined voice he informed me that he needed me to put his mattress in the car. When I asked him where we were taking it, his sincere reply was: to the man who was sleeping under the highway Mommy. I tried to explain to my son that we could not take his bed to the man under the overpass. He began to cry. After we had put his mattress back on his bed we carried his sleeping bag and pillow to the car and drove in silence back to the overpass only to find the man was no longer there.
I had forgotten about that day.
As I drove home today memory after memory of Dominique showing compassion to others came back to me. I am so thankful that God allowed me to remember these things today. I have to admit I have been caught up lately in the things I wanted Dominique to be and do with his life at this time. Today I was reminded of the little boy he was and realized that the young man he is today is just a more compassionate version of that little boy.  By the time I drove up the drive today I was at peace and knew Dominique is going to great things in his life. The journey he is on now is necessary for what ever lies ahead.

1 comment:

Truders said...

This post made me cry! God DOES have incredible things in store for Dominique! I too am excited to see/hear about them when God starts using him. God will get a hold of him again and then WATCH OUT!! :)