This seems to be a theme for me as of late. I read about it everywhere I turn. I find myself counseling others to live it show it share it. I find myself drawn to its mystery and not quite knowing how and why it reappears on a daily basis.
My mind wanders to far off places. Places from my past that lay covered in dust begging to be left alone. I mean seriously the past is far off for a reason, right?
Why then, are there reminders of everywhere I look.
I need to find a way to not only show grace give grace but also to extend grace unto myself.
Choke. gasp. sputter. WHAT?
So many moments in this life I feel totally completely unworthy of such things as grace. Grace is intended for others surely not me.
As I have entertained this inner dialogue regarding grace over the last couple weeks I have landed on this truth. I do deserve Grace. I am not any good at being selfish enough to take it for myself.
The Bible tells me that His grace is sufficient for me. Why is so hard?
Why am I able to see that Grace is God's gift t others but fail to see the same truth applied to myself?