reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence.
confident expectation of something; hope.
confidence in the certainty of future payment for property or goods received; credit: to sell merchandise on trust.
the condition of one to whom something has been entrusted.
the obligation or responsibility imposed on a person in whom confidence or authority is placed: a position of trust.
charge, custody, or care: to leave valuables in someone's trust.
I deleted the rest of the definitions as they pertain to law and commerce and I am quite sure those are not fitting for today.
I guess when I think of the word trust, I think of it as an action not necessarily a noun. Like LOVE. and I'm sorry. to me all 3 of these require action. They require me to demonstrate through my attitude and my actions what I intend for others to see in me.
The more I sit here and think the more I feel like these 3 walk closely by each other. Maybe I feel this way because I am an action kind of girl. I tend to not believe words that are spoken. It usually takes actions to get my attention. Anyone can utter the words "trust me" "I love you" 'I'm sorry" then turn around and promptly go back to the behaviors or actions that made me hesitant to believe in the first place. But if someone takes the time to SHOW me they love me or wish to gain my trust or accept an apology I guarantee they would have my full attention.
So then, I dug a little deeper as a friend of mine always encourages me to do....and what I find is that maybe its not at all about personal relationships and issues for me. Maybe it goes way deeper than that. I can give my testimony. I can speak the words. I can proclaim the name of Jesus from the roof tops and sing His praises al day long. But I am so very guilty of not putting action behind my trust in HIM. that is exactly what this all boils down to. He is tugging at my heart reminding me that I can trust in Him always in everything. But I always hold back, never fully releasing my strong hold on my trust. Never fully giving over to Him to handle me, my life, my situations.
Thank you Lord, for sending me 6 reminders before 830 am thank you for nudging me to admit I need to work on this. Have patience with me as I gather the courage to let go and let you handle all things. ALL THINGS.
Help me grow the ability to place my trust in YOU and turn my words into actions moment by moment, because, honestly Lord right now I am living life by the moment. That's about all I can do today.