Monday, October 29, 2012

If you are absent during my struggle dont expect to be present during my success. Will Smith
I have been absent from the blogging world for good reason. Madison. When she is  in a cycle it is difficult for me to write. The words form in my head and in my heart but they get stuck somewhere before they apear on paper.
I have tried not to write about her. Mostly because I do not appreciate judgemental mean comments on my blog. This is my space where I am able to express my heart. My experiences in my life as I feel it live it and breath it. I LOVE to hear from others but do not wish to be bashed over my feelings. Which is what always happens when I blog about Madison.
Today, I saw the above quote on her facebook page. I have mixed feelings about this being on her page.
IF she was directing this at us. Of course I have no idea who she is directing it to. She is dead wrong.
We have been there for her every moment of every day for the past 17 years. She is the one who pushed us away. She walked out. She lied many lies about us to others. She is burning bridges before she even gets off.
We offered to help her. But our help is contingent on her willingness to get help for herself. She needs help. I am not being mean. I am not judging her. I will NOT be posting details on here in order to protect her and her privacy. She doesnt want help. She wants people to support and allow her to continue making the choices she is currently making.
In our defense.
We have always loved her unconditionally no matter what. That has never changed. We still love her just like that. She is making very poor choices in her life and those choices are preventing us from being in a position to be able to help.
I am done standing by and allowing her to lie to get what she wants. If she has said anything to you about Scott or about me do us all a favor and check it out before believing and repeating it.